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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Watch: Biden slammed on social media for ‘creepy smile’ following Donald Trump question

President Joe Biden responded with a disquietingly creepy smile when questioned about Donald Trump’s status as a political prisoner following his guilty verdict in the Stormy Daniels hush money trial.

The incident occurred during a press briefing at the White House, where Biden was addressing various topics related to current national and international policies. Clips have been shared widely on social media, fuelling the widespread belief the trial was rigged by Democrats in yet another attempt to weaponise the legal system against their main political opponent.

What an evil pos 😡

America became a 3rd world country yesterday

The face of evil personified

That grin said more than any words

He knows Trump is being Politically Persecuted; so the best thing he could do was to say nothing…

What a joke our nation is becoming! 🙄🤦‍♂️💯🇺🇲

How can you convince me this is not a robot disguise as human. Seriosly?

He’s beyond evil! This was all directly orchestrated by him and his justice department!
Joe’s gotta go!
He can’t win with votes so he’s desperately trying to win by denying President Trump the ability to campaign!
House arrest is next.

The Trump campaign has already seized on the opportunity, releasing a video highlighting the fact.

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  1. I guess he could go to war with Russia, or anyone else for that matter, and just implement marshal law just like Zellenshy did, and then not even have election’s, because they are under marshal law.

  2. It is plain as day creepy Joe is not in charge of anything including his own mind. They call him creepy because he sniffs little girl’s hair. Whats with that?


    So who is in charge of the world? Simply the people who own it.


    There is a lot to read but just click on the above link and then the play icon to have it read to you.


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