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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Study suggests lab origin for ‘Bird Flu’ strain, urges further investigation

Bird flu origins news

Researchers are investigating whether a bird flu ‘virus’, H5N1 clade genotype B3.13, might have originated from laboratory experiments.

This virus, which affects various animals and but rarely infects humans, was first detected in the Netherlands in 2020. Concerns arise because earlier research aimed at increasing the virus’s capabilities (gain-of-function) might have contributed to its development.

The study, co-authored by noted medical authority Dr. Peter McCullough, suggests that the virus might have emerged from laboratories in Georgia, USA, and Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Genetic analysis shows that this strain, which appeared in 2024, is linked to another strain from Georgia in 2022. This earlier strain had undergone research involving mallard ducks, and was found in a bottlenose dolphin in Florida, indicating it could infect different species suddenly.

The study found that the current strain causing outbreaks in cattle likely came from mallard ducks. It also identified specific genetic mutations in recent human cases that might be linked to these laboratory experiments.

The study urged more research to confirm the findings and to track any potential lab leaks, focusing on ducks and other migratory birds that could spread the ‘virus’ widely. The researchers suggest halting gain-of-function experiments that increase the virus’s capabilities to prevent a potential man-made flu pandemic affecting both animals and humans.

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  1. It is f***ing astonishing that a core of corrupt paid off scientists are deliberately taking existing viruses and making them far more virulent and deadly, something known as ‘gain of function’ research.

    This is happening in full view of all of us but the corrupt system allows it to continue when surely it is obvious that there is no benefit to humanity, only great potential harm. It suggests that the leadership of our countries is corrupt, rotten and not working for the people.

  2. Why is anyone allowed to enhance a virus, because that’s what I’m hearing. Time for laws to be toughed up and those doing this to be stopped in their tracks.

    • Lawmakers can be corrupted by big-pharma via donations and secret arrangemets, sometimes via family, sometimes via blackmail.
      However, gain-of-function research IS illegal, so THEY just fiddle with the definition.
      At any rate: being criminal doesn’t imply self-awareness. There will be a time when injured individuals will have their “say”.
      And with crimes against humanity, there will be many injured humans having their “say”.


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