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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Destiny Church youth leader arrested for sexual abuse

Destiny Church news
Image – Screenshot, Counterspin Media.

A Destiny Church disciple has been arrested and charged with sexually abusing teenagers involved in a South Auckland youth group.

The 29-year-old man, who faces six charges relating to two alleged victims, is due to appear in Manukau District Court next week. The arrest has sparked widespread concern and scrutiny, with multiple alleged victims coming forward and the alleged abuse spanning several years.

Detective Inspector Natalie Nelson from Counties Manukau CIB confirmed that the charges are part of an ongoing investigation into historical sexual assault allegations dating back to at least 2020. The man, a longstanding member of Destiny Church, was taken into custody yesterday, and police continue to investigate the matter, urging anyone with information to come forward.

Church leader Brian Tamaki responded to the allegations on social media, expressing sympathy for the victims and their families while denying any personal connection to the accused. Tamaki criticised media coverage of the incident, describing it as an attempt to tarnish his reputation. He stated that the alleged offender was never appointed as a Destiny Church youth ministry leader and was prohibited from attending the church once the allegations surfaced.

However, a Counterspin Media special report last night has cast doubt on some of Tamaki’s statements. The report suggests that there may be more to the issue than Tamaki is willing to admit, calling for greater scrutiny of his official responses.

The mother of one of the alleged victims, who alerted police in November told legacy media she was relieved at the arrest, stating that it lifted a massive burden for her son. The investigation continues, with police making inquiries and considering further charges as more individuals come forward.

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    These places are for info-gathering and gossiping on the ‘congregation’, and then reporting on them for informant money!
    Besides, the Churches can no longer speak out on certain ‘issues’, lest they be charged with …(wait for it…) HATE SPEECH AND DISINFORMATION, which then results in the ‘Church losing it’s’ tax-exempt’ status, and the ‘Church Elders’ being criminally charged with the same!
    Modern-day ‘Churches’ are part of the religious aspects of the New World Order.
    GET OUT AND STAY OUT OF THE ‘CHURCHES’, as Christ spoke out against such structures, and labeled both the ‘Church’ and the eeeeeevil J3wi$h Syn(sin)agogue as a ‘Den of Vipers’ and ‘thieves’. He also stated that the physical structures of these places would be ‘thrown down, and not one stone left un-turned’.
    What can destroy a physical structure like a ‘Church’ or Syn(sin)agogue?
    War! Or, nuclear war to be exact…

  2. Of course the MSM are going to use this to smear Tamaki. This is a golden opportunity for them. I’ll add I’m not religious in any way shape or form but we now have another opportunity to see what the MSM stand for…..its certainly not fairness or proportionality……where’s the scathing condemnation, for example, of mainstream religions who have seen this sort of awful thing happen over and over, again? Don’t hold you breath but someone they hate…light fuse and stand back……..


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