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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Mitchell to attend ‘Summit on Peace in Ukraine’ in Switzerland

Ukraine peace summit news

New Zealand will be represented at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine by Minister Mark Mitchell in Switzerland later this week.

“New Zealand strongly supports Ukraine’s efforts to build a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace,” Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.

“Minister Mitchell is a senior Cabinet Minister and a former Minister of Defence. His travel to Switzerland for this summit demonstrates the New Zealand Government’s continued solidarity with Ukraine and engagement with Ukraine’s ten-point peace formula.

“In discussion with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba on 27 May, we informed him that New Zealand would be sending a senior minister to the Peace Summit to underscore the significance of this event,’ said Peters.

Mitchell leaves for Switzerland on Friday 14 June, and will take part in discussions with world leaders on 15-16 June at the summit venue of Burgenstock, near Lucerne.

He will arrive back in New Zealand on 18 June.

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  1. US brown nosing and yet another abject waste of tax payer money…….as if a peace summit without the likes of Russia and other big names like China, means jack s***……another pathetic, wasteful so called government………..

  2. When you’re losing, you can’t dictate terms. I guess stupido is hoping his backers will help him with that.

    The only thing with that is, it won’t lead to peace anytime soon, if at all.

  3. The first I heard of Ukraine wanting peace. When little Z is not hanging around Brussels and Washington wanting more money and arms so he can CONTINUE the war he is usually to be found sucking up to NATO hoping he can join.
    How can they negotiate peace with Russia when Russia isn’t even going to be at the conference?
    And sure, everyone is going to sit up straighter when they hear New Zealand is going to attend. Russia and China will be terrified. But, a nice little trip and a bit of exposure for a polly.

    • Exactly
      Ukraine isn’t remotely interested in peace
      It is a US proxy which takes it’s marching orders from Washington
      And is more preoccupied with blowing Uncle Sam


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