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Online exam chaos at Massey University: Students face re-sits after technical disaster

Massey University news
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Massey University students are in turmoil after a major failure of the online exam system this week left many unable to complete their assessments.

From Monday to Wednesday, technical issues with the online supervised exams (OSEs) caused widespread distress, leading to the cancellation of the remaining OSEs for the semester. The university has since reverted to unmonitored online exams and extended the timeframe for affected exams, but students like Alex Murray, who faced multiple failed attempts to access his exam, told state media they are struggling to re-schedule and complete their assessments.

A petition led by Murray to abolish the OSEs has garnered over 1,000 signatures, citing privacy concerns and the undue stress caused by the system. Other students, like Stas Chalaev, also suffered from the technical failures, with many considering re-sits despite the added pressure and time constraints. The Te Tira Ahu Pae student association is calling for a reevaluation of exam methods and a return to in-person exams as an option, criticising the university for prioritising cost over student well-being.

Massey University has yet to provide a comprehensive solution, leaving students anxious and frustrated.

Image credit: Nathan Dumlao

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  1. You’re a university.. a so-called “higher place of learning”
    You can’t manage to deliver exams in a rel8able manner.
    How long before we can agree You are functionally inept and incapable of managing the many millions of dollars you’re entrusted with?

  2. Remember 4 years ago when NCEA and NZQA changed the test scores of certain students, barring them from Uni despite the fact that the test scores were later investigated and found that those who were cheated out of their proper scores were well-qualified to enter Uni???
    This is nothing less than the ‘Status-Quo’ maintaining those old provincial five-generation-plus families who will get ahead in life, and f@cking others out of a rightfully-due place in education and society.
    No wonder the gang populations are increasing, due to hard working honest people being f@cked-out of their opportunities, minimal job prospects, and no hope of ever earning a living wage from a job where bullying is rampant and rife!

  3. In 1999 when I was at Massey in Palmerston North, we did our first digital quiz online and to the shock of a very intellectual group of students over half the class failed due to technical issues. So to be fair they have only had some 25 years to figure it out


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