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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Support for coalition government increases – poll

1News poll June 2024 news

Support for the National Party has risen by 2 points to 38 percent following the recent Budget, according to the latest 1News Verian poll.

The poll indicates a stable position for ACT at 7 percent and a 2-point increase for New Zealand First to 6 percent, surpassing the 5 percent threshold.

The results suggest that the coalition government would maintain its hold on power. In contrast, Labour has dropped by 1 point to 29 percent, the Greens by 1 point to 13 percent, and Te Pāti Māori by 1 point to 3 percent.

In the preferred Prime Minister stakes, Christopher Luxon remains steady at 23 percent, while Labour’s leader Chris Hipkins has gained 2 points to reach 16 percent. Other notable figures include Chlöe Swarbrick at 6 percent, Winston Peters at 4 percent, and David Seymour at 4 percent, down by 1 point.

The poll surveyed 1002 eligible voters and has a margin of error of 3.1 percent at the 95 percent confidence interval. It was conducted between June 15 and 19.

Image credit: Element5 Digital

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  1. I still can’t believe there are that many people in this country who would vote for labour or the greens.

    The left block are gifted unseats every election via the Maori seats.

    Get rid of these seats and it becomes very obvious that the left would NEVER get to power. Now you know why they cling on to them no matter which party wins. It’s a gift to the left and it needs to stop if we are ever to have a true democracy.

    • Sorry I meant that to say the left block are gifted 7 seats every election. There’s some weird autocorrect going on.

  2. Just goes to show how ignorant and uninformed, the average NZ voter is….just another bunch of globalists……

  3. 1News poll.

    Believing it is like believing the stripper really likes you.

    The REAL support is probably way higher. People hate the Hipkins/Ardern/Bloomfield/Robertson party with the fire of a thousand suns.


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