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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Wellington City Council approves controversial long-term plan amid heated debate

Wellington City Council news

In a closely contested vote, the Wellington City Council approved its long-term plan with a 9-7 majority, sparking heated debates among councillors.

The plan includes a significant average rates increase of 16.9% for the 2024/25 year, along with higher user charges for various services.

An additional “sludge levy” will also be introduced, contributing a further 1.6% increase.

The decision exposed divisions within political blocs, particularly over the proposal to sell the council’s one-third share in Wellington International Airport, a move some Green and Labour councillors opposed.

Mayor Tory Whanau defended the plan, stating it balances necessary investment with economic constraints to ensure Wellington remains a ‘thriving city.’

The approved plan allocates $1.8 billion for water infrastructure, over $104 million for completing the Te Matapihi Central Library, and $1.1 billion for transport improvements, including significant investments in bus and cycle lanes.

It also outlines an overhaul of waste management, the ‘decarbonisation’ of swimming pools, additional funding to ensure council workers receive a living wage, and $500 million for upgrading social housing.

A new Perpetual Investment Fund will be established using proceeds from the airport share sale, aiming to secure long-term financial stability for the city.

Image credit: Aless Con

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  1. All of these council long term plans are a load of BS.

    When did we ever ask any local council to be involved in all this other stuff? These mostly unelected bureaucrats NEVER listen to the people who pay their salaries.

    Stick to core services. Have council meetings in the evenings like they used to so more people can attend and cut out overpaid middle managers and clipboard warriors,

    Stop poisoning the water with fluoride, fix the bloody roads, stop paying for festivals and concerts, stop wasting money and just do your flipping jobs and most importantly LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE.


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