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Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Biden says he is proud to be a ‘black woman’

The US president continues to stumble over his words while trying to salvage his reelection campaign.

US President Joe Biden gave several radio interviews and delivered a brief Fourth of July speech on Thursday, in an apparent attempt to reassure voters of his mental capacity to hold office, following a disastrous debate with his Republican rival Donald Trump.

Biden openly admitted he “screwed up” the debate, but told The Earl Ingram Show that he will “get back up,” rejecting any intention of dropping out of the presidential race.

“I had a bad night…. And the fact of the matter is that, you know, I screwed up,” Biden said, after his aides spent a week offering various excuses from an alleged preparation overload, to a minor cold and a jet lag from a trip 12 days prior to the debate.

During a separate interview with Philadelphia’s WURD, the gaffe-prone US leader struggled to find the right phrase while apparently trying to refer to Vice President Kamala Harris and recall his time in Barack Obama’s administration.

By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman… to serve with a black president. Proud to be involved of the first black woman on the Supreme Court. There’s so much that we can do because… look, we’re the United States of America,” Biden said.

The US president also delivered a four-minute speech at the White House, focusing his remarks on his visit last month to Normandy, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, but seemingly veered off script and lost his train of thought several times, and at one point even called his rival Trump a “colleague.”

“And by the way, you know I was in that WWI cemetery in France, and…. the one that one of our colleagues, the former president, did not wanna go and be up there… I shouldn’t probably have said it anyway,” Biden said before abruptly cutting the story short, and continuing his prepared remarks.

In another clip scrutinized and mocked by critics, Biden greeted the crowd with a lively “Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Independence Day!”, after Harris almost mistakenly introduced him as the vice president.

Concerns over whether the 81-year-old politician can see out the presidential campaign and serve four more years in the Oval Office were reignited after Biden delivered a shaky performance in a televised debate with Trump last Thursday. The incumbent appeared frail and seemingly lost his train of thought on multiple occasions.

A post-debate Reuters/Ipsos poll found that one in three Democrats believe that Biden should quit, while some key donors have reportedly been looking at ways of replacing Biden with a stronger candidate on the 2024 ticket.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The democrats make their own corrupt bed, so let them lay in it (or lie [not tell the truth] in it).
    I hope Biden stays in the race, but if he pulls out then Kamala Harris will take his place and she is less liked than him according to polling.
    Kamala Harris is black, and a woman so matches their DEI profile and, therefore, cannot be replaced unless “trumped” by a black, transgender “they” – enter “Big Mike” who has the shoulders of a quarter-back and has kudos because “she” is married to a previous President.

    What can the Democrats do now? They cannot win on policy or candidate, and now then can only win by cheating or lawfare.

    It should be obvious now that they do not support the “will of the people” or believe in the Constitution.
    I would like to see the US move away from a 2-party adversarial system into something more like “managed democracy” like Russia: Have an executive of people who really believe in the Constitution to run the country.

  2. “1 in 3 Democrats believe Biden should quit.”
    So the other 2/3rds see nothing wrong, Biden’s just fine?
    That’s millions of Americans that see insanity as normal!
    NOW you know what we’re dealing with here…..

  3. This is what happens when you fiddle with election votes. Post in votes are non verified votes.
    There is a two word term we use when corrupt or proxy government takes over from freely elected leaders of the people.

    It is called Civil War.

    With such a fully armed and equipped nation, that prospect is getting a step closer.

    With the nation so awake, could it be the owners of the world may make the fatal mistake of ripping the next election?


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