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Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Millions of expired Covid-19 PPE and tests to be recycled and repurposed

COVID-19 PPE news
Stock photo.

Health New Zealand has initiated the disposal of around 51 million expired Covid-19 personal protective equipment (PPE) items and rapid antigen tests (RATs).

Contracted to Enviro New Zealand the process will convert approximately 65 percent of these expired supplies into alternative fuels, garden and playground wood chips, and recycled materials. The disposal involves co-processing the majority of the items with wood waste and tyres to create a coal substitute fuel for cement production, while other materials will be recycled into products like slip sheets and decking.

The entire disposal process is expected to take four months and will handle 8,000 pallets of items.

Dr. Nick Chamberlain director of the National Public Health Service told state media the surplus stock resulted from the need to purchase large volumes during unpredictable pandemic conditions. The competitive tendering process selected Enviro NZ for their proven track record in sustainable landfill management, he said. Despite the high volume of expired supplies, Health New Zealand maintains a 12-week PPE reserve for future ‘pandemic preparedness’.

Image credit: Unsplash+

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  1. Have the family dog pee on it…or leave the same in the cat’s litterbox!
    Then, send the ‘test kit’ in for evaluation.
    The ‘test’ was fraudulent to begin with. How many Doctors and Politicians had stock in the companies that manufactured these…’tests’, and pushed the same on to all of us???
    Kinda like the 23&Me DNA testing, where the saliva of a chicken was sent in and it came back as 1/3rd J3wi$h, 1/3rd African, and 1/3rd Native American.
    Take note- ALL of the DNA family heritage tracing companies are owned by J3w$, and they are selling YOUR DNA results to other companies, and to governments who desire to eradicate certain types of people, (Goyim, Gentiles, etc.) while preserving their own (the AshkeNAZI & Khazarian ‘race’ of faux ‘J3w$…) for nefarious purposes. AND-
    You agree in their T’s & C’s to allow these companies to OWN YOUR DNA!! You legally have no right to…YOURSELF in DNA profiling!
    Don’t believe me?
    Just ask the Gazans…!

    • The people that took the “shot” , no longer own their own DNA, it has been patented by the company you took the shot from and since those people are no longer human 1.0, the human rights don’t apply to them. They will keep the facade up until it really matters.

  2. It was a fraudulent waste of tax payers to begin with. Unbelievable the politicians who pushed all this bullshit on us.

  3. And just like that, hundreds of millions (billions?) of dollars, literally set fire to. No scandal, just “whoops”. Will these cases of blatant misappropriation of the public’s money make it into the inquiry?

  4. Can anyone recommend an English language search engine that doesn’t show the western mainstream media by default? Even Yandex shows very western results. Is there a search engine for the Global South? Thanks

  5. The main preoccupation of governments and beurocracy – how to move public money into private hands (their own, and their kind).
    It’s a big club, and most of us ain’t in it.

    • Here in the states, after some leave office they become government contractors, others become lobbyists etc.

  6. Ah yep “Sustainable Landfilll”.

    In other words, another gigantic waste of tax payers money by the idiotic bureaucratic blob.

  7. Someone should do a deep dive into who owns the companies who bought these products. Look carefully into any connections with government employees or MPs.

    This whole thing STINKS 😡

  8. And the rort continues. It was ALL destined for landfill if it was used, why are they wasting more money “sustainably” getting rid of it. FFS


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