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Embattled MP Darleen Tana rejects report, says Greens did not follow natural justice

Darleen Tana news
Image – parliament.nz.

MP Darleen Tana has firmly rejected a report on allegations of her involvement in her husband’s business, claiming it significantly misrepresents her role.

In a statement Tana expressed dissatisfaction with the investigation process led by lawyer Rachel Burt, stating that natural justice was not followed and that preconceived notions influenced the report’s conclusions.

Despite resigning from the Green Party, Tana has not resigned from Parliament, prompting the Green Party to demand her complete resignation. Greens co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick.

The controversy stems from allegations of migrant exploitation at her husband’s bicycle company, with Tana implicated in facilitating visa breaches and unpaid wages.

Although the investigation by Burt did not conclusively find evidence of exploitation or Tana’s direct involvement, the Green Party remains adamant that Tana’s actions are unacceptable. Despite Tana receiving the report and having an opportunity to respond, the Green Party is pushing for her resignation from Parliament, though they are unlikely to invoke the ‘party hopping’ legislation due to ‘ideological opposition.’

Tana remains suspended on full pay as the party considers further actions and awaits the privacy clearance to release the full report.

Full statement of Darlene Tana:

I can confirm that I received a copy of the Final Report on Saturday morning and attended a caucus meeting that day where it was discussed. I do not feel natural justice has been followed during this process, and at Saturday’s hui it seemed clear that a pre-determined view had been formed prior to hearing from me. I can confirm, as indicated during today’s conference with the Green Party leadership, that I have subsequently resigned as a member of the Green Party.

I want to make it clear that I do not accept the findings of the report and believe that it substantially misrepresents the level of my involvement in my husband’s business. This was an investigation into what I knew and should have disclosed to my party leadership. I am therefore deeply concerned by the party’s summary of findings. The report does not say that migrant exploitation has occurred let alone that I am responsible for it in any capacity.

I have only had a short time to consider this report, and am taking some time to consider it before making any further comment.

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  1. How the greens get as much support as they do is totally beyond me. They are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites and petty criminals. I’ve actually lost count now of how many have been guilty of hypocritical and self entitled behaviour.

    The fact they get any support at all shows you what a dire situation this country is in and that there are some people who really are stupid and deluded.

    • They get J3wi$h money, support and Zionist-owned media coverage.
      Green is the new Red, as in Bolshevik Zionist Communism.
      They know exactly what they are doing, why they are doing it, and who they are doing it to!
      Most of them are on psychotropic meds ans SSRI’s. That might explain some of the J3wi$h/Communist behaviours, BUT-
      Don’t be fooled by these drama queens that infest that party: 3-8-12-15-5 & her company would be the first ones to drop Zyklon B into the showers where Right Wing Pro-Freedom Christian Conservatives would be showering!!!
      Watch their dripping labia majoras start flapping with excitement if / when they hear that Hellary Klinton is running for …’President’…!, replacing the ice-cream cone licking, child-sniffing paedophile criminal that has lost his mind while shuffling along with a loaded adult diaper…!

    • I think in left Wellington the Greens got the vote because they could not vote right.

      Tana is not going to resign from parliament. Too many benefits. Other than being a telemarketer or the stop/go sign holder, there is no other place for her in private companies with those caveman features.

  2. OK..explain to me the difference between ‘Natural Law’, ‘Çommon Law’, & ‘Admiralty Law’…
    Jordan Maxwell did a pretty good job; maybe ‘Natural Law’ means going natural and showing up in the nude to the HoR at the Wasp Nest, aka Masonic Bee Hive.

  3. A Stalinist purge of an ideologically unsound colleague. Here’s hoping that the Green party, vibrating with the righteous indignation of a sweaty morally bankrupt green party leadership, will shake itself to pieces.
    Once these purges begin, theirs no telling who will be next. Pick up your favourite beverage, a nice big bag of popcorn and settle down for the greatest comedic shirt show on earth! Try not to think too much about your tax dollars while you are at it though.

  4. Well f***, she’s a list MP to boot so why TF she is able to resign from the greens and be independent? Kick her out.


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