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Friday, October 18, 2024

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NIWA accused of misleading parliament over historical storm data

NIWA false data news

New Zealand’s climate research agency NIWA is under scrutiny for allegedly misleading Parliament and former Minister Ayesha Verrall regarding the completeness of its historical storm data following the “Climate of Fear” study.

In an article by investigative journalist Ian Wishart published on The Centrist, he says nearly 900 pages of documents released under the Official Information Act reveal that NIWA assured the Minister that no data was missing without actually analysing the 26 historical storm events listed in the study. Despite public statements debunking the report, the documents show no evidence that NIWA conducted a thorough review, which Wishart said raised questions about the organisation’s integrity and competence.

Read the full article on The Centrist.

Image credit: Pixabay

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  1. The Climate Alarmist movement has never been based on truth. It has been pure propaganda. We Kiwi tax payers should really question NIWAs value.

  2. We just had a weaponised tsunami assault siren dumped off here.
    These things go off, providing false alarms and causing utter havoc and disruption ten times more than there are tsunamis.
    A quick search reveals countless false alarms caused by “glitches”
    Our local “safety lady” was particularly overbearing over the plandemic.
    Local purebloods were shamed and there were signs and stickers everywhere.
    Mask up. Scan in. Get jabbed…
    Should she come to evacuate me when the next false alarm goes off, i shall be reaching for the spade.
    No more fear herding.
    These jobsworths are retarded sheepdogs with little to no understanding but with a massive desire for self importance and control.
    They herded us like feckless idiots.
    Not now.
    I do no longer consent to be governed by a treasonous satanic cult captured nzgovtcorp nor their agents.
    I do no longer comply.


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