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Ukrainian neo-Nazi mocks Auschwitz victims

Auschwitz news
Image – © Instagram / khran1t3ltv0eytayni.

A member of the Azov-linked 3rd Assault Brigade posted a meme and clips on social media apparently praising Adolf Hitler’s genocide.

Social media users have called out a member of Ukraine’s 3rd Assault Brigade, which includes fighters from the reformed neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, over several posts that appear to mock those who were killed at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

In a series of posts on Instagram, Nikita Miroschenko, a member of the brigade, shared photos and reels of him paying a visit to the death camp in Poland several weeks ago. One of the reels showed the gates of Auschwitz with the infamous Nazi slogan “Arbeit macht frei” with German march music playing in the background. The post was accompanied by a caption reading: “We commemorated the memory, but there is one nuance.”

A second reel showed Miroschenko’s girlfriend Anastasia Korshykova, a member of the same brigade, standing in front of the death camp. This image was juxtaposed with a meme known as “Disaster Girl,” featuring a girl staring at the camera as a house burns behind her. The clip was accompanied by the song ‘Baby on Fire’ by the South African hip-hop group Die Antwoor.

Miroschenko was also pictured at Auschwitz wearing a T-shirt that read: “Where we are, there is no place for anyone else” – a phrase attributed to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

The flurry of posts, which appeared to mock the memory of the more than a million Jews, Poles, Roma, and Soviet prisoners of war who were killed at the camp, sparked a firestorm on social media. Moss Robeson, a self-described researcher of Ukrainian fascism, noted that “it’s unreal how Meta has let Ukrainian Nazis fester while it censors Palestinians and anti-Zionist voices in the name of ‘anti-Semitism’.”

ukrainian neo nazi mocks2
Image – © Instagram / khran1t3ltv0eytayni.

Jake Hanrahan described one of Miroschenko’s posts as “disgusting,” while Daniel Mayakovsky remarked that “if you oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza, you are an anti-Semite according to the Western media… but if you go to Auschwitz with a T-shirt quoting Hitler to gloat about killing Jews, then Europe and the US send you weapons.”

Social media users also highlighted another image of Miroschenko smiling against the backdrop of a quote by another Nazi leader Herman Goring, which read: “Marriage[s] between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden.” Mayakovsky denounced the image, suggesting that the Ukrainian soldier had “visited Auschwitz to enjoy what Hitler did.” “They are sick,” he added.

Miroschenko’s controversial posts came to public attention as his brigade announced a tour of several EU countries to seek more support in the fight against Russia. Moscow has long warned about neo-Nazi ideology flourishing in Ukraine, saying that the “denazification” of its neighbor was one of the key goals of the ongoing military campaign.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp wasn’t a death camp, it was a labour camp, if you want to believe Bolshevik propaganda you will believe anything.

  2. Odd how a Ukrainian Nazi is mocking the situation, given the fact that his Commander in Chief (Zelensky) is a J3w…
    How ironic is that?
    But then again, J3w$ killed J3w$, as evidenced by the Kapos in the camps, and are still doing so as evidenced by the IDF opening fire from helicopters on the concert goers on 7 October using the Samson Option as an excuse.
    The J3w$ also ran the GULAGs, as per the writings of Aleksander Solzhenytsyn, a survivor of Perm 36 and Vorkuta.

  3. There’s been no hiding the fact that Nazis are alive and well in Ukraine. Are people only just waking up or denying the fact?

    • Well, the Russians are certainly aware and awake to that fact.
      The last time this happened, it cost the Russians 20+ million war dead, greater than all of the Allied Nations combined.
      President Putin will NOT allow that to ever happen again, and good on him for doing so!
      J3wi$h Banksters funded both sides of World War Two, and made massive profits during ‘Operation Barbarossa’ in the summer of 1941with war loans secured to the Nazis in the form of real estate and resources futures from eastern (Russian & Ukrainian) land grabs under ‘Liebenstraum’ (Living Space).
      It’s odd how a national Socialist (Nazi Germany) Nation went up against a Communist Nation (Communist Russia) run by J3wi$h Zio-Bolsheviks as both platforms are closely aligned with each other, and yet, the differences in their close doctrines resulted in the worse theater war (Eastern Front) ever known to warfare.
      Also, check out the photos online of the Bush Family when they lived in Germany prior to their migration to the U.S.when the Nazis were in power.
      One such photo features Martin Bormann, Otto Skorzeny and GHW Bush seated in a lounge together, with the elder ‘Mutter Bush’…

      • Look up Stalin order 428, ‘torch’ men, Stalin ordered Partisans (many who were red Army under the control of the NKVD) to murder Russian peasants and burn their villages while dressed in German Army uniforms (leaving a few survivors to blame the Germans) in areas close to the German front line. Stalin was worried that the Germans would be seen as a liberating army and the peasants would support them so he murdered millions of Russian peasants and Jews to keep them in line.

  4. According to the figures provided to the World Almanac census’s by the World Council of Jewry the Jewish population increased between 1933 and 1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000, as to calling this guy a Nazi he’s probably an Ashkenazi which is the tribal name for the European Jews, their original homeland was in that area and the reason that he’s mocking Auschwitz is that they all know its a hoax.

  5. Jews coined the term nazi,
    they were labour camps not death camps,
    The jews that died near the end of the war in the camps died from malnutrition as the allies were bombing supply routes.
    The “gas chambers” were for dousing the infected inmates for typhus,
    Why would the Germans shave their heads, tattoo numbers on them just to gas and burn them.

  6. This is part of what our tax payer dollars are helping to fund, Neo Nazi-ism….I most definitely do NOT stand with the Kiev regime or this shameful joke, of a New Zealand government…..

  7. Yeah, he took a day off from the trenches to run up and take some pics.😂😂😂😂
    “There’s no rest for the wicked.” No days off!


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