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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Green MP Julie Anne Genter guilty of intimidating behaviour in parliament

Julie Ann Genter news

Green MP Julie Anne Genter has been found in contempt of the House for her “intimidating” actions towards another MP, resulting in a recommendation for her censure.

The Privileges Committee’s recent report assessed Genter’s behaviour during a debate on May 1, where she stood over Minister Matt Doocey and appeared aggressive. Genter has since apologised, admitting her conduct was “unparliamentary.”

“We find that even in the context of a vigorous debate, her behaviour was unprofessional and unacceptable,” the report concluded.

In recommending a penalty, the committee said:

“We consider that it is important for Parliament to be aware of how the public expects elected embers to behave, and to uphold generally accepted standards of behaviour. We also consider it important for all members to recognise that the behaviour discussed in our report is not acceptable, and that this is a serious matter. We therefore recommend that Ms Genter be censured by the House for acting in a manner that could have the effect of intimidating a member of the House acting in the discharge of their duty. We recommend that Ms Genter apologise to the House unreservedly and without qualification.”

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  1. “We’re very very angry with Miss Genter, and we hereby censure her so that she knows how angry we are. Hmmph 😠”

    Yip, THAT’LL teach her 😒👍

  2. This violent women will need to be banned from the house, pay a financial penalty. If it were a private company, she would be gone.

  3. Whatever. Dunce cap and sit in corner for a week would’ve been enough.
    Wear clown suit for a week would’ve been fine as well.

  4. These green people just don’t know when to stop.! It’s just laughable. But I know, I know, it’s not easy being green… 😂😂

  5. These permanently angry fanatical green/communist woke weirdo clowns have become a ruddy nuisance.

    Perhaps an extended visit to North Korea or Venezuela to see communism in action might help them.

  6. The behaviour of the greens and TPM in parliament is appalling. BrownLee needs to sort this out. Only English should be spoken unless a full translation is provided or part of their speaking time. This shouting out abuse in te reo needs to stop and the racist treatment directed towards Karen chourr should be punished with expulsion.
    Stay strong karen.


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