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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Biden ‘not confident’ of peaceful transition of power in US

Joe Biden news
Image – @TheOfficerTatum, X.

US President Joe Biden took a swipe at Republican nominee Donald Trump in his first interview since dropping out of the race.

US President Joe Biden has said he doubts that power will be transferred peacefully in January 2025, after the November presidential election, whether it is won by a Democrat or Republican.

Biden made the statement to CBS News on Wednesday in his first interview since dropping out of the race in July, answering the journalist’s question on whether he thought there would be a peaceful transfer of power.

“If Trump wins, no I’m not confident at all. If Trump loses, I’m not confident at all,” Biden replied.

The US president lamented that the public was not taking Trump’s past comments about a “bloodbath” seriously.

“He means what he says. We don’t take him seriously. He means it. All the stuff about ‘If we lose, there’ll be a bloodbath, it’ll have been a stolen election,’” he said, adding that “you can’t love your country only when you win.”

Biden was referring to a speech Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump made at an Ohio rally in March, while on the campaign trail. The word “bloodbath” caused controversy in the US media, with a number of outlets quoting Trump out of context. The Republican frontrunner later claimed he was referring to the risks Chinese competition posed to the American automotive manufacturing industry when he used the term. He pledged to slap crippling tariffs on Chinese imported cars if he wins the election, and warned of a “bloodbath” for the US automotive industry if he loses.

Biden’s reference to Trump’s “bloodbath” comment comes at a time of increasingly hostile rhetoric between Democrats and Republicans. Last month, Biden expressed the “need for us to lower the temperature in our politics,” after a failed assassination attempt on Trump.

The former US president narrowly avoided a bullet in the head at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, when a shot grazed his ear in an attack that killed one member of the audience and injured two others. The gunman was later identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, who allegedly fired eight shots with an AR-style rifle from a nearby rooftop before being killed by a Secret Service sniper.

The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, tendered her resignation in July, amid scrutiny over the incident.

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Source:RT News

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  1. The guy nobody voted for, who was wedged into the Oval Office through voter fraud, media malfeasance and corrupt bureaucrats, who was sworn in with no public attendance allowed and razor wire and armed soldiers surrounding the proceedings…

    …is waffling on about “the peaceful transition of power”.

    After last month’s “lone” shooter who mysteriously nobody knows much about, it’s clear to all of us that they have ZERO intention of ever peacefully transferring power. Not in America, not in the UK, not in France, not in Venezuela. Elections mean nothing anymore, it’s all a big soap opera.

    • It’s a house of cards and straw men who are given scripts to read as if it were a live play. All leading to the idiocy we now see in the US and UK governments.

      A war for resources they do not need.
      A draft for teen boys and men aged 18 to 26 years to die.
      Nations beheld to participate for fear of lost trade, medical drugs and security.
      NZ to participate not only in the war but not calling out the deceptive behaviour, blue laser destruction on their own citizens.
      The financial ruin of nations including ours with unfair trade.
      The false unelected government and deceitful acts from the (WHO) World Health Organisation and World Economic Forum (WEF). Again all reading from scripts to lead us into total control from a one world government of corruption, lies deceit.
      Open boarders to allow in mud races to cause civil unrest. All designed to bring in facial recognition and cashless control.

  2. The Democrats know how to take comments out of context that’s for sure the it gets blown out of proportion by the doting media, when they are the ones responsible for all the civil unrest.
    Well, let’s see what happens, seems like the American public is well and truly sick of their BS. They don’t need Hillary to turn them off! She’s getting more gruesome by the minute.

  3. The journalist’s question poses ” a question in itself
    Why ask somthing like this if not to prepare the public opinion of what to come ?

  4. We know the globalist are pushing for this war to take over Russia’s territory in Ukraine. The current puppet president who is so far mentally gone, he is completely unfit to be in command. Such greed for another countries resources, these globalists are sending your sons, brothers, and fathers into war. Luxton has already indicated to the US New Zealand will stand beside the US in this conflict.

    Whatever Biden is saying, he is reading from a script, prepared by his puppet masters.

    It is only sheer luck, Trump is still alive. These globalists will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from removing the currency distribution from the Fed to the US government.

    The only conflict of interest, here is the globalist fighting to remain dominant, and in full control of the US government and not the citizens of the United States. That is why Biden said there is going to be a problem with transferring power.

  5. I doubt much will change if Trump wins. Its worth noting that any politician is only as effective as the party s/he represents, allow him to be. The Republicans are every bit the same brand of globalists as the Democrats. As is the case with the two main party’s in NZ.


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