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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Renowned historian blames Tony Blair for Britain’s ‘deliberate destruction’

Award-winning historian Dr. David Starkey has expressed deep concern over the current state of Britain, claiming it has been “destroyed” by former Prime Minister Tony Blair and New Labour.

In an interview with Steve Edginton on GB News, Starkey criticised Blair’s 10-year tenure, asserting that many of its consequences are still felt today, particularly the significant increase in migration that began after Blair took office in 1997.

Reflecting on the past, Starkey lamented the loss of what he described as a peaceful and homogenous Britain.

“The Britain I grew up in was the most peaceful, the most gentle, homogenous society that has ever existed,” Starkey said. “We did not need identity cards. We had extraordinarily low levels of crime. We had such high levels of public trust. That has been destroyed. It has been deliberately destroyed by Tony Blair and New Labour with this absurd notion they were going to force us to become multi-ethnic for good. They were going to rub the noses of the whites in the dirt. We’ve got to understand that it is an act of such inconceivable national self-harm.”

Starkey also voiced concerns about the direction Britain may take under the current Labour Government, led by Keir Starmer. He warned of what he perceives as an authoritarian streak in Starmer’s leadership. “Keir Starmer represents an intensely authoritarian streak,” Starkey said. “People get very confused because Starmer was a human rights lawyer. They think he’s sort of, all soft and cuddly. Human rights are really nice, aren’t they? But what we’ve got to remember is that the sort of human rights that Starmer represents are the rights of only minorities. This is the terrifying thing. Democracy has been stood on its head. Democracy means the rule of the majority. It’s now completely inverted to mean the protection of every exotic minority you can think of against the majority.”

In the context of the ongoing debate on migration, Starmer has faced pressure to clarify his government’s approach to stopping dangerous illegal crossings of the English Channel. While the Prime Minister has pledged to “smash the gangs” responsible for these perilous journeys, the Labour Government swiftly scrapped the previous administration’s plan to send migrants to Rwanda, labeling it a “gimmick.” The government has announced the establishment of a new Border Security Command, which promises increased funding and enhanced powers to combat criminal smuggling operations.

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  1. Hmmm not just Labour, the Tories are no better, as is the case here in NZ but try telling the died in the wool, so called right, that.

  2. Pragmatism, practicality and perseverance, imo, will help guide the ship. This is not to say the ship of fools, but as we are easily fooled this gentleman’s Chaucer quote is essential.
    I vehemently disagree with the Henry 8th diagnosis however; his misogynistic heel crushingly spurned the indigenous english sense of spirituality and to this day the slave owners’ C of E does us no favours whatsoever.
    Most interesting interview.
    God help England.


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