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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Mass UFO sightings in Southern California overnight

Palmdale UFO news

Residents of Palmdale and Lancaster, California, reported witnessing unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the night sky on 17 August, capturing widespread attention and sparking speculation.

Eyewitnesses described seeing six flying saucers performing erratic zigzag patterns near major U.S. Air Force bases, leading to debates over whether the sightings were evidence of extraterrestrial crafts or advanced military technology.

Videos and reports shared on social media platforms further fueled the intrigue, as numerous locals shared their experiences of observing bright, unusual lights making sudden movements.

The sightings have drawn significant public interest, particularly due to the proximity of the events to Edwards Air Force Base, known for its advanced aerospace testing.

Despite the flurry of reports and speculation, local law enforcement agencies have stated that any investigation into such sightings would fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, which has yet to comment on the matter.

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  1. Clif High predicted this.
    Zero point energy is about to drop.
    The back engineered tech from roswell crashed machine.
    Great for sinking super yachts.
    Things are gonna get freaky.
    Hang on kids….
    Only an idiot would dismiss Clif now.
    He is incredibly well researched and reknown.
    Pirates of the matterium on substack.
    His work is not normy proof because it peels away the historic deception we all exist under… Till Christmas… 👍

  2. A Drone show similar to the ones in Dubai and the UAE, along with those in Qatar.
    I spoke about Project Blue Beam in no less than 12 ‘churches’ in the U.S. and Canada.
    Afterwards, no one came up to me to ask question or elaborate…
    8 ‘churches’ told me to leave and that it would be in everyone’s interest if I didn’t come back…
    ALLLLL of the ‘churches’ are the handiwork of the Devil, and the masses are greatly deceived!
    Stand by for e REAL Christmas Holiday surprise in 2024 that will lead directly into Project 2025.
    Get prepped. NOW!!

    • I spoke in my group too. I spoke of the jabs and the globalist infestation.
      They preferred not to hear. They preferred to continue to push the satanic deception also.
      Theres money in God. Tax free. This is the leash which keeps them in line.
      The back engineered crashed craft has provided ample tech for the now wayward corporation. Tech like we have never seen.
      These may be earth craft or not.
      Potentially blue beam, as we are told.
      Potentially not.
      The only really sure thing is that we have all been lied too continuously for years and only some accept the lies.


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