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Friday, September 20, 2024

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WHO launches ‘Global Plan with strategic vaccination’ to combat Mpox outbreaks

mPox news

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced a global Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to halt human-to-human transmission of mpox, following the declaration of a public health emergency of international concern on August 14.

The plan, running from September 2024 to February 2025, outlines a US$135 million funding requirement and contains “comprehensive strategies” for surveillance, prevention, and response, including strategic vaccination efforts targeting high-risk individuals such as close contacts of recent cases and healthcare workers.

The WHO says its plan prioritises coordinated efforts across global, regional, and national levels, working closely with partners like Africa CDC and other international networks to ensure equitable access to medical countermeasures and community engagement in outbreak prevention. The initiative also focuses on advancing research and minimising animal-to-human transmission.

The WHO’s African Regional Office and Africa CDC will lead the response.

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  1. I did not consent before and I will never consent to anything the who says……they lied, they know we know they lied yet they continue to lie.

  2. Try and illegally force-vax me at gunpoint with a SWAT Team, and the body bags will pile-up on the kerb of my little lovely lane…!
    BTW…not one NZ politician or political party (save NZ Loyal…) that I know of has raised their protest over the WHO rules, edicts and mandates’ of forced Primate Pox mRNA vaccinations, and the fact that the proposed methodology violates both International and Domestic Laws!

  3. So they will go after the group known as the ‘Men who f**k other men’ and try to get them to get with the program of forced vaccination through fear and then work their way up the food chain.

    • Kinda like the AIDS crisis in the 80’s…where AIDS was created in the lab by Dr. Wulf Smuznesz from an Eastern European country that was still Communist at the time.

  4. Why can’t vaccination be a choice?
    Get the jab if it’s your choice and you think that it helps, but if jabbing is not your kind of remedy and you don’t want a lot of untested dangerous chemicals injected directly into your bloodstream, then say ‘No’ loudly.

  5. When will the biological be dropped?
    The glaziers son used to smash windows.
    The pharma execs just release bioweapons.
    Great for the shareholders.
    Fraud pays.

  6. Tedros the Tigray terrorist – should be jailed along with all other WEF puppets like Adern , Hipkins and the rest of them…..about 90 % of democrats along with European Union MP’s and UK MP’s could all be lumped into a hard labor camp to earn a real living

  7. If anybody wants to get injected by a Gain of Function toxic Bioweapon called a ‘Vaccine’ engineered for a World-wide depopulation agenda which was sold to a Naive Corrupt Bribed Govt. by a Criminal Cartel of International Biological Terrorist Racketeers then may you go with God. Its way past time to really really WAKE UP peoples you are the Target. Time for a No Confidence vote to the Govt. and one elected by the people for the people to serve the people with no outside International NGO interference.


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