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Friday, September 20, 2024

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TVNZ’s ‘transparency’ boast met with fierce backlash on social media

TVNZ news
Image – Google Maps / StreetView.

TVNZ’s recent attempt to bolster public trust by publishing detailed information on its newsroom operations has been met with a wave of criticism and mockery on social media.

The state broadcaster released documents outlining its editorial standards, transparency policies, and its stance on generative AI, among other topics. However, the effort to build trust appears to have backfired, with hundreds of users on X responding to the claims with deep skepticism and dissatisfaction.

In a statement accompanying the release, Phil O’Sullivan, TVNZ’s Executive Editor of News, emphasised the importance of transparency in journalism, particularly in an era where “misinformation” is rampant on social media.

“But it’s not enough to tell New Zealanders they can trust our reporting; we want to show them why they can trust it,” O’Sullivan said.

The documents detail editorial guidelines that require reporters to critically examine their own biases, seek senior approval before using covert reporting methods, and adhere to a clear policy on the use of Te Reo Māori. O’Sullivan also sought to clarify misconceptions about TVNZ’s funding, claiming that the broadcaster operates independently of government influence.

Despite these assurances, reactions on X were overwhelmingly negative, with many users doubting TVNZ’s commitment to impartiality and transparency. One user encapsulated the sentiment, tweeting, “Respectfully, you take a side. That’s not news, that’s op-eds masquerading as news.”

Other users criticised the legacy state broadcaster’s handling of sensitive issues, such as gender and Treaty debates, accusing TVNZ of bias. “Has anyone there figured out what a woman is yet?” one tweet read, adding, “Your idea of science is climate change hysteria and the benefits of cycle lanes in a downpour.”

Many expressed frustration over what they perceive as TVNZ’s selective engagement with its audience, particularly in turning off comments on social media posts. One tweet sarcastically noted, “Focuses on transparency by often disabling public comments.”

The reaction wasn’t limited to general criticism; some users outright dismissed TVNZ’s efforts as too little, too late. “You are a bankrupt organisation both morally and financially. It’s too little too late,” one user remarked. Another tweeted, “Good luck. Trust is broken and can’t be fixed.”

Even TVNZ’s policy on generative AI, which was meant to demonstrate a commitment to transparency, did little to assuage critics. Instead, it fuelled further distrust, with one user questioning, “What’s the next propaganda train coming? Building up trust so you can help be a one source of truth again?”

While TVNZ’s transparency initiative was intended to foster trust, the overwhelmingly negative response on social media suggests that the broadcaster faces significant challenges in convincing a skeptical public of its credibility. As one tweet bluntly put it, “No one who distrusts you is going to believe anything you say.”

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  1. State Tel (lie) vision and program(ing) mocking bird media propaganda machine broken and this has the state so worried that they have to play the “(trans)parency” card.
    I’m calling this out as mis/dis/mal conspiracy theory and will get “Hannah” on the job.

  2. Remember Jabby stating that ‘We are your only news source’ during the weaponised mRNA Covid Plandemic?
    TVNZ and RNZ are severely biased when it comes to transparency, and non-sided ‘reporting’…
    TVNZ can’t even afford new programs…all we get nowadays on Freeview are re-runs of Tipping Point, The Chase, cooking shows, Bravo showing ‘The Real (J3wi$h) Housewives’, and home renovation and relocation programs that are also repeated several times over.
    The observed intent of TVNZ, RNZ, etc. is to stick with the pushing of Globalist ideas, processes and procedures.
    NEVER will TVNZ order programs that educate, and / or assist with learning, as the current programming is co-joined with the fluoride dumb-down, vaccine mRNA loss of cognitive abilities, and further financial and economic hardships on the populations that would go hand-in-hand with the agendas of the WEF / WHO / Historical / Political narratives that are being pushed on us all by a Zionist state media, on a global basis.
    BTW…get a Big Berkey water filtration system, and a satellite phone…!

  3. If TVNZ could be trusted the misinformation and disinformation they spread during Covid never would have happened. They lied then and all that does is prove they will lie in the future to push the globalist narrative.

  4. Let them fail. The trust went with Covid. I agree with the comment morally and financially bankrupt. Same applies to the herald. They can go f themselves and when they have finished doing that they can go do it again.

  5. Should have listened to the people telling them in 2020 and 2021 that they will lose their audience once they see their lies.

    When they get some stories about the proven mechanisms of harm from the BioNtech/Pfizer jab and the disabilities and deaths it is responsible for some may return. When they report that it was the covid response not covid responsible for the state of the country they may get some back. When they get the wicked witch of blackrock, Helen Poutasis -Harris, Michael Baker,and Ashley Blomfield on to have them up about their dis/malinformation to the country some may come back.

    They are responsible for not questioning those in charge of the propaganda response and letting the country down.

    Like I was telling them .

    Do your jobs. Inform your audience. Hold the bastards to account.

    And still, crickets

  6. Their us election and ukraine stuff is all fake news from the BBC and CIA propaganda utterly disgraceful rubbish that is easily proven false but they never get pulled up for spreading their misinformation and ruining the lives of so many innocent people around the world.

  7. It’s your duty as a citizen to convey your message verbally in person whenever you get the chance.
    TVNZ are Public Servants & should not be allowed to forget it for one second.
    It is your democratic Right – exercise it.
    They are not allowed to answer to any offshore influence – that would be Treason to falsely represent the Government in a Public Position.

  8. Can only agree with all the comments above, their journalists and news readers have no morals, all to concerned about their precious high paid jobs, lies upon lies, and they were probably some of the 11,000 public servants that got jab exemptions, disdain for them all.
    Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook was ordered by the Biden Harris admin. to sensor any negative posts about the gene therapy (also falsly known as a vaccine).

  9. Kevin malloy, ex tvnz chair, was a publicis groupe exec which is the WEF agency.
    Tvnz direct connection to WEF.


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