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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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Shocking jab reaction leaves US woman temporarily blind and covered in bruises

Alexis Lorenze news
Alexis Lorenze, before and after doctors forced her to take three ‘vaccines’ simultaneously.

23-year-old US woman Alexis Lorenze says she was left temporarily blind with agonising purple bruises across her face after being forced by doctors to take three vaccines simultaneously.

Alexis, who was seeking treatment for the rare genetic blood disorder Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), shared her terrifying experience after receiving vaccines for tetanus, pneumonia, and meningitis—against her will.

Despite her condition and warnings that overloading the immune system can be dangerous for patients with PNH, doctors at UCI Medical Centre in Orange, California, refused to administer a necessary transfusion unless she took the three vaccines “all at once.” Alexis, who had not been vaccinated since childhood, experienced an immediate and frightening reaction. Within 10 minutes, her vision went dark, her face swelled, and painful bruises spread rapidly across her body. Videos of her ordeal have gone viral, showing her swollen, bruised face as she tearfully describes the horrifying experience.

While medical experts claim her reaction was an “ultra-rare” event, many are questioning the safety of forcing multiple vaccines on patients, particularly those with compromised immune systems. Critics argue that this proves once again the dangers of vaccines being downplayed, while serious reactions are brushed off as “rare.”

Dr. Gloria Gerber, a hematologist, expressed concern over giving three vaccines at once, especially to someone in Alexis’s condition, calling it “risky business.” She added, “What’s the rush? Why overload the body with three vaccines at once when it’s already fighting an illness?”

Despite reassurances from mainstream medical professionals, Alexis’s case has reignited fears about the risks of vaccination, leaving many to question whether the potential dangers are being ignored in the rush to vaccinate.

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  1. What a very sad and terrifying situation for this patient. I am perplexed at how often the Medical fraternity claims that vaccines are ‘safe’. Every medication can have side effects and that includes vaccines. Although the number of reported adverse reactions for patients is small in comparison to the total given it is fundamental and necessary for our entire Medical fraternity to be updated and familiar in all aspects of adverse reactions, appropriate treatment, reporting and testing. The problems may require a deeper dive.
    Immunocompromised and immunodeficiency in patients are issues that must be monitored in relation to vaccination and should form part of Medsafe’s brief. The problem sits with the lack of expertise in regional centres, the costs of conducting the necessary tests and the willingness/negligence of our so-called experts to investigate and monitor.
    Serious research investment is needed for vaccine related implications in New Zealand along with the right expertise aligned with honesty and transparency in reporting.


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