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Saturday, September 28, 2024

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New Game Animal Council appointments announced

Hunting and Fishing Minister Todd McClay today announced one new, and one returning, appointment to the Game Animal Council (GAC).

Mr McClay is thrilled to announce first time appointment Glenn MacPherson and welcomes the reappointment of keen pig and deer hunter Eugene Rewi.

MacPherson is currently president of the Te Kuiti Pig Hunting Club and has been a NZ Pighunting Association committee member for the past three years. A teacher and principal, Glenn was raised in Tokoroa and was taught to be a kaitiaki for the forest.

Rewi has been gathering food from the ngahere (forest), moana (sea) and awa (river) since a young age. He served as treasurer of the Ngamanawa Whānau Hunting Club for the past five years.

Both appointments start immediately and run through to 30 June 2027.

“These appointees bring renewed experience and perspective to the Council,” McClay said.

“The GAC represents the interests of the hunting sector and plays an important role in providing advice, conducting research, and promoting hunter safety and hunter-led conservation.”

“I’m focused on improving the management of game animals and the GAC plays a key role in this. Supporting the Council’s valuable work is one of my four priorities in the Hunting and Fishing portfolio,” said McClay.

McClay also acknowledged the work of three outgoing members: Steve McFall, Sharon Salmons, and Kevin Eastwood.

“Steve, Sharon and Kevin have made invaluable contributions to the GAC throughout their terms, and I thank them for their efforts to improve the hunting sector in New Zealand.”

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