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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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400K+ illegal immigrants with criminal convictions released into US cities

US Border crisis news

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has released more than 435,000 undocumented migrants with criminal convictions into cities across the U.S., according to a letter sent by ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner to Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales.

The letter revealed that as of July 21, there were 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal histories on ICE’s non-detained docket, meaning they await immigration proceedings without being held in custody. Of these, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and an additional 226,847 face pending criminal charges.

The release of this data has sparked criticism from lawmakers, with Gonzales and House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green calling the situation “disturbing” and “shocking.”

They condemned the Biden and Harris administration’s immigration policies and sanctuary cities for failing to cooperate with ICE detainer requests, which they claim allows dangerous criminals to remain in U.S. communities.

ICE’s letter has highlighted concerns over sanctuary policies that protect criminals and called for better congressional funding for DHS.

The shocking statistics include 62,231 illegal immigrants convicted of assault, while an additional 42,915 are facing pending assault charges. ICE also reported that 15,811 individuals convicted of sexual assault and 56,533 convicted of drug possession have been released. Furthermore, 2,521 illegal immigrants with kidnapping convictions are currently not detained.

ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner noted that these releases are partly due to a lack of cooperation from sanctuary cities, promoted by Biden and Harris, which refuse to honour ICE detainer requests, even for individuals convicted of serious felonies.

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  1. Kamala: “The United States is a sovereign nation and I believe we have a duty to set rules at our border and enforce them. And I take that responsibility very seriously.”
    Just unbelievable gaslighting from the woman who purposefully caused an invasion at our border. Kamunism, by any other name.

    On Friday, ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris flew down to Arizona for a photo-op at the southern US border – through which untold millions of migrants from all over the world have entered the United States illegally during the Biden-Harris administration.
    While there, she gave a ridiculous speech in which she (get this) called for tougher border security – pledging to enact various forms of immigration reform if she’s elected in November, including a 5-year ban on re-entry for those who enter the country illegally.
    The Border Patrol Union slammed the VP for having ‘ignored the border problem she created for over three years.’


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