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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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BoJo reveals plan to seize COVID jabs from Dutch plant during UK-EU dispute

BoJo - AstraZeneca news

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has disclosed that during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, he instructed defense officials to devise a covert operation aimed at retrieving AstraZeneca vaccines from a Dutch factory.

The plan was developed amid a heated standoff between the UK and the EU over COVID jab distribution in 2021.

The factory in question, located at the Halix plant in the Netherlands, was holding approximately 5 million doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. These doses, manufactured for the UK, were being withheld by the EU, which cited its citizens’ vaccine needs as the reason for the delay.

According to Johnson, British defense officials were gathered in Downing Street to draft a plan that involved sending teams to the Netherlands. One group would fly to Amsterdam, while another would cross the English Channel by night in small boats, navigating Dutch canals to the plant. The teams would then rendezvous, secure the mRNA gene therapies, and transport them back to the UK via cargo trucks.

However, defense officials warned of the high risks involved, including the potential diplomatic fallout of carrying out such an operation against a fellow NATO ally. One official reportedly cautioned that being caught would lead to the UK having to explain why they were essentially staging a raid on a “friendly” nation.

Johnson’s memoirs reveal that he felt the EU had “kidnapped” the vaccine doses, accusing them of acting with “malice and spite” as the UK’s jab campaign was progressing much faster than the EU’s at the time.

While the raid never occurred, AstraZeneca later faced legal issues, admitting that its vaccine could cause rare side effects like blood clots, leading to its withdrawal from global circulation.

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      • You realize Revelation 2:9 3:9 are mistranslated Jews and should be Judean?
        Geographical not racial
        This mistranslation twists everything around making the Jews YAHWAH Gods chosen people Israel
        Not the seed of the serpent Genesis 3:15 the enemy of the White Adamic race who they are masquerading as and whose identity they have usurped
        And where Judeo Christianity gets so screwed up
        Jesus YAHWASUA was a Judahite of the tribe of Judah living in Judea
        All of the disciples who were Apostles excepting Judas Iscariot an Edomite Jew who Jesus chose to betray him in order that prophecy be fulfilled were from the tribe of Benjamin – meaning light bearer
        Paul the Apostle – From before the Foundation of the World
        Anybody can be a disciple – Follower
        Only ELOHEEM are Apostles – One sent

  1. The British would have joined the not so glorious ranks of others that have carried out covert attacks against their allies, such as France.

  2. BoJo is not in any public office, but his antics amount to laying the grounds for the Netherlands to declare war against Britain due to Bojo planning a commando-like theft of the mRNAQ that BoJo needs to complete the wiping out of the British People.
    Tommy Robinson has warned of this alongside Alex Jones…
    ‘BoJo the Touseled-Haired Boffin Clown’ is dangerous, and needs to be criminally charged for the continuation of his antics while in the ‘role’ (mole) of the UK’s PM.
    Starmer (who’s wife is J3wi$h…) continues the work of the Talmudic Zionists, as does Trudeau (Castro Jr.).
    Trump’s J3wi$h controllers will re-appear (the Kushners) IF he makes it back into office, and IF the U.S. isn’t devastated by a nuclear exchange in the coming weeks.
    Note that towards the end of the above article, that the disabled, will be euthanised (already occurring in Canada…) and those over 50 will have health care and organ replacements denied..
    All part of the Deagel Plan…

  3. Looking more like it
    Create a vacuum after completely wiping out the indigenous population and why the war is being prolonged and dragged out
    Maybe leaving enough for slaves?
    Which may explain why Netanyahu is carrying on with reckless scant disregard and abandonment as to the future of occupied Palestine
    Return to the Khazar AshkeNAZI homeland
    Turks were the first wave of Khazars


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