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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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Biden calls for ceasefire amid reports of impending Israeli ground incursion into Lebanon

US President Joe Biden has urged for an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East, despite reports suggesting that Israel is preparing to launch a “limited incursion” into Lebanon.

According to anonymous officials in Washington, the Israeli offensive could begin soon, following over a week of air and missile strikes that have reportedly resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Lebanese civilians and key Hezbollah figures, including leader Hassan Nasrallah.

At a White House briefing, Biden addressed the situation, stating, “I’m more aware than you might know and I’m comfortable with them stopping,” when asked about the potential Israeli operation. He added, “We should have a ceasefire now,” before leaving the press conference, which had initially been called to discuss hurricane damage across several US states.

Meanwhile, multiple media outlets, including CBS News, Fox News, and The Washington Post, cited anonymous sources confirming that Israel had informed the US of its plan to launch a limited ground operation, targeting Hezbollah positions along the Lebanese border. This campaign is expected to be smaller in scope than the 2006 conflict but aims to dismantle Hezbollah’s military infrastructure in the region.

Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Chief of the Israeli Defense Forces, indicated that recent airstrikes were paving the way for the ground invasion, aiming to “decisively destroy” Hezbollah’s capabilities. In response, Hezbollah’s deputy leader, Naim Qassem, asserted that the group’s forces are prepared for a ground engagement with Israeli troops.

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  1. Nutanyahu will ignore Washington’s call for a ‘ceasefire’ just as it has with regards to Gaza and the West Bank.
    Trump thinks he can cut a deal with *Nutanyahu (*a diagnosed political sociopath…!), and end the localised wars in the Middle East, possibly via his son-in-law, the J3wi$h / Zionist billionaire Jared Kushner to end the fighting.
    Kushner was running the White House, and going to and fro in the same manner of diversionary tactics that J3w Antony Blinken is doing, producing a side-show of diversions while the bombings, air strikes and artillery continues.
    Kushner was UNELECTED, but was running the White House. The Trumps were just living there…!
    BTW-Kushner and his Zionist / Talmudic / Noahide Law ilk buddies made millions during Covid in stock options with Big Pharma.
    Will Trump and Kamala even see an (s)election? Perhaps not, since the Deep State is desperate to remove both from Inauguration Day…
    Who might replace them?
    An Antony Blinken Presidency with a Kushner for Vice-President ticket is spine-chilling, and would be the death of Christian and Moslem nations on a global scale.
    We are all basically Palestinians now…

  2. If Resident Biden had kept up the existing sanctions on Iran, 7 October 2023 likely would not have happened and what is going on now likely would not be happening. Israel has obviously had enough and is no longer playing defense but is now playing offense: It will go after Hezbollah and destroy them, same for Hamas.

    No country, including Israel, should have to tolerate continuous provocations. No country would.

    On a larger scale, the Muslims around the world need to decide in their own hearts and minds if they really, REALLY want a Jihad – a global “war to the knife” or if they let Israel deal with the problems that, let’s be honest, the Muslim-Arab countries should be dealing with themselves.

    I do feel sorry for the Lebanese people though because Hezbollah is an occupying force in Lebanon.

  3. Have you ever heard the term “Action speaks louder than words.”

    Words….. Biden called for a ceasefire.

    Action….. All Biden has to do is stop the supply of arms. Stop all support. Stop all money. Openly expose the Rothschilds control of the worlds governments.

    Many of the political leaders, past and present-day could expose them. Guessing their private information, their active participation binds them to each other.


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