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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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Key predicts Trump victory in 2024

John Key - Donald Trump news

Former Prime Minister Sir John Key told legacy media he believes Donald Trump is the most likely candidate to win the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election.

Key was speaking to legacy media outlet Stuff, and was reported in state media.

He believes Trump’s focus on the economy and his “America First” policies make him a better choice compared to Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. However, Key acknowledges that Trump’s isolationist foreign policy could negatively impact New Zealand.

Key sees Trump as being better for the economy, emphasising lower taxes, less red tape, and a pro-market stance. He believes Trump’s economic policies, especially his focus on reducing bureaucracy and cutting taxes, could boost American industrialism. Despite his reservations about Trump’s proposed tariffs on Chinese imports, which he feels would hurt U.S. consumers, Key maintains that Trump’s approach would benefit overall economic growth. Conversely, Key criticises Harris for being economically left-leaning, suggesting her policies could stifle the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit in the U.S.

While Sir John Key is clear about his support for Trump’s economic policies, he recognizes that Trump is a divisive figure with significant flaws. He finds it difficult to justify Trump’s claims about the 2020 election being stolen but attributes Trump’s appeal to a deeply divided America.

Key predicts that if the election debate focuses on the economy, Trump is likely to win, estimating a 55-45 chance in his favour. Despite the closeness of the race, Key stands by his preference for Trump’s leadership, while acknowledging the challenges Harris faces in gaining broader support.

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  1. Harris is dead meat, verbal diarrhea, and a liar, lying about her heritage is pretty low. African Americans don’t like that. Most people are saying she is campaigning like she’s in opposition 😂55 45 would be a huge win for Trump. It’s usually closer that that.

    Of course Key can’t say too much he went all ga ga when Obama visited, everyone did, Jacinda wanted to have his babies, except she was supposedly carrying already.

  2. Key can put his “little hat” on and p*ss off. He did enough damage to NZ on behalf of his globalist masters. Is he doing an Obama and still directing things from his mansion?


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