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Christchurch attack inquest to examine gun acquisition and licensing failures

Christchurch inquest news
Al Noor Mosque, Christchurch. Image – Google Maps, StreetView.

The second-phase inquest into the Christchurch mosque attack of March 2019 will focus on how the attacker, Brenton Tarrant, obtained his firearms licence and the adequacy of New Zealand’s gun laws prior to the massacre.

Deputy Chief Coroner Brigitte Windley will investigate whether there were errors, failures, or deficiencies in the police’s assessment process that allowed Tarrant to legally acquire firearms.

The inquiry will explore how the gunman secured a licence despite his extremist views and whether the police should have conducted a more thorough vetting process. Particular attention will be given to the role of his referees, his acquisition of high-capacity magazines, and the loophole that enabled him to convert standard rifles into military-style semi-automatic weapons.

The inquest aims to provide a clearer understanding of how the licensing laws and police procedures at the time contributed to the tragic events at Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre.

Key issues include whether questions about Tarrant’s “political” beliefs should have been raised during the vetting process, and if more stringent checks could have prevented the attack. The inquiry, which is expected to last three weeks and include testimonies from around 15 witnesses, will also conduct a “counterfactual analysis” to determine if the attack could have been avoided with different regulatory decisions.

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  1. Home2019April Mona Alexis Pressley, Does Max Igan have it right? Was the Christchurch shooting real?
    See part 1 153 News
    More disinformation and a distraction laying credence to and reinforcing the lie that is on life support
    Where is Tarrant in jail anyway?
    All as bogus as a $3 bill

  2. Maybe they should also look at his accidental self inflicted gunshot wound the he went to the hospital to seek treatment for was not reported as per policy?

  3. The MSM will NEVER report the below, as the media outlets are Zionist-owned and controlled.
    Please READ THE ARTICLE and then write to Firearms Minister Nicole McKee demanding that the restrictions on MSSA ‘s be lifted, and that the Firearms Registration be SCRAPPED due to crims or an invading force hacking the database and locating where the ‘Registered Firearms’ are located in private homes.
    The first thing that an invading force will do is to grab the Firearms Registry List in order to round-up and remove firearms from those being invaded. History has repeated this scenario many times..
    THEN- go to the Parliament’s Petitions Webpage, and see IF there are any Petitions that are demanding that New Zealand become a Neutral Nation, and that we as New Zealanders have the U.N. RIGHT TO SELF DEFENCE under CHAPTER 7, ARTICLE 51, which can only be achieved locally by ‘Fit & Proper Persons’ being able to hold, maintain and discharge firearms for not only personal self-defence, but defence of New Zealand if needed in a National Emergency.

  4. As I understand, his firearm’s licence was issued in Australia. NZ has no control over that.

    It was a shameful day in NZ. However, the shortcomings were from Australia and not the NZ firearms licensing system. Australian authorities who issued a licence (not the decent people of Australia) should be fronting up with compensating the victims and NZ.

    With understanding for the families that are affected, aside from that one-off, NZ doesn’t have a problem. There has been a strong push against firearm owners. That is not where the violence stems from.

    It seems the police have grown a pair and are starting to tackle gangs. Perhaps NZ could invest some time to review how gangs are formed from broken families. I see many families destroyed from government institutions, unsustainable taxation, lengthy expensive family court, an ineffective police complaints authority.

    In a short sentence, “The temperaments of individuals who are messed around with, unable to reach an honest or workable deal, can’t get adequate timely justice will cause impulsive unconstrained harm.”

    The non-inclusive list of government departments and policies that causes harm are as follows.

    1. Ignoring the increase of deaths caused by the mRNA jabs, refusing to look into that and glossing over with constricting Royal enquiries to downplay government violence. The person whose child or mother had died from the jabs who can’t get proper justice is at risk of taking matters into their own hands.

    2. Family court delay or ignoring relevant evidence. Many a time the media reports extreme violence when evidence is ignored. The media reports tipping petrol over victims, themselves and lighting up. Yes, it is mostly the men and fathers who are left with seeking what they view as retribution or nowhere else to turn.

    3. Ineffective police complaints authority. Police commit perjury, 7 years imprisonment is replaced with recommendations not to do it again. Police act unlawfully, getting fired is replaced by courses and yet more recommendations for which the commissioner re-submits he/she has taken on board.

    4. Unbalanced tenancy court. A tenant wrecks a property, compensation is 5% of the cost.

    5. Family court (again). Over use of without notice application orders hearsay with automatic violence courses for the person wasn’t violent. Does the assumed victim not have the partner’s phone number she can give to the court? A lot is over “I’m banging your mate, moving him in to be dad and for this to work for me is I want your home, all property and possessions for free for year’s, then half of it.” Stop all contact with beloved children for years. That would set the most sane man off.

    6. Family court yet again. A person owns a property out right. He/she saved a deposit, worked 2 jobs, went without, took the risk of a mortgage, refurbished their property. Someone moves in, and they own 50% in 2 to 3 years of relationship. That is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth and not justice. Again, it is mostly men who are seen as violent. It really is injustice and failure.

    Am I picking on women? No. I’m picking on policy that allows injustice that leads to violence.

    7. As I understand, the defunding of family court has led to massive backlogs including urgent hearings that can now take between 6 months and a year. That delay is causing violence.

    8. Turning my eye to the UK and Europe. Allowing violent people from nations into Europe to stab children and wreck the place while they live in hotels at the taxpayer’s expense, then jailing the people who just spoke out, is fostering violence and civil war.

    9. The main cause of suicide is injustice.

    Fix these laws, policies, and violence will fade into history. Normality and peace will flourish.

  5. As jabcinda made it illegal to see or read any real evidence we know of there should be a full independant transparent enquiry in to this whole situation.


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