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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Netanyahu cancels Defense Minister’s US Visit

Netanyahu - Gallant news
Yoav Gallant (L), Benjamin Netanyahu (R).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has postponed Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s planned visit to the US, following a missile barrage from Iran in retaliation for the assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.

The trip, set to discuss Israel’s response and strengthen ties with Washington, was blocked by Netanyahu, who reportedly insisted on coordinating a response with President Joe Biden before Gallant’s departure.

Sources suggest Netanyahu has been attempting to arrange a call with Biden since the Iranian attack, and tensions between the Prime Minister and Gallant, whom Netanyahu has tried to dismiss twice in the past, may also have influenced the decision.

The postponement comes as Israeli officials express concern over a potential strain in relations between Israel and the US, particularly after Biden urged Israel not to retaliate against Iranian nuclear and oil facilities.

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  1. The problem with the US at the moment is that the “deep state” department allegedly leaks information to US foes, in particular, Iran. Because of ‘diversity’ there are people who are not loyal to the US in the state department. Israel is sensible to only tell the current administration what they are doing once the operations have started.

    Also, in my opinion, Israel is correct not to go for Iran until they have sorted out a proper response and have dealt with Hezbollah.

    Hezbollah have recently suggested a cease fire, but not peace. The reason is because under Islamic law, the Muslims are only allowed to stop fighting when they are weak. It’s called a Hudna and is only allowed to last a maximum of 10 years. The Muslims use the time to grow in strength again but after 10 years they are religiously obligated to start the military jihad (i.e. terror) again.

    • Oh dear, whats poor war mongering Israel to do. Maybe stop killing people in other nations for a start? Consider paying reparations?

  2. Iran f*cked up their plans.
    Major military operations are too big in size to hide. Iran knew Israel was about to hit back and on Saturday night and closed their airspace from 9:00 PM local time in anticipation of the IDF attack.
    Then magically a seismic event took place in the Iranian desert that has all the aspects of an underground nuclear explosion.
    Israel recalled their aircraft; the operation was cancelled and Iran reopened their airspace. Peace followed.
    Netanyahu, Blinken, Biden, Harris, Austin, Brown and everyone in the IDF and US military of higher rank than Lance Corporal are still busy cleaning the shit out of their pants. They got the message loud and clear.
    “Israel, f*ck with us and we will clean your clock,” Iran said.

  3. Low life Israel thought the Middle East was its murderous playground, just like its imperialist masters in Washington. Guess they have found out differently.

  4. Anybody calling these Jews Israel is calling Jesus YAHWASUA a liar
    Worse still You are calling YAHWAH ELOHEEM God a liar
    Which may not be forgiven in this world or the next
    Satan went out to deceive the world through His children the Jews
    The offspring of the progenitor Cain
    1 John 3:12 “Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.”
    A direct reference to Genesis 3:15
    Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
    Jews are the seed of the serpent not the seed of the woman – Israel – White Adamic
    Liars deceivers hypocrites
    Death Misery Destruction
    And not Freedom Liberty and Prosperity
    The Destroyers
    A parasite that lives on the back of White Western Man who they are masquerading as


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