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Monday, October 14, 2024

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One NZ bans aggressive customer after assault on staff

One NZ news

One New Zealand’s chief executive, Jason Paris, has condemned an assault on two staff members at a Christchurch retail store, confirming the perpetrator will be permanently banned from all One NZ stores and disconnected from their network.

The incident, which took place at Westfield Riccarton, saw police called to the scene, and while the staff members did not suffer serious injuries, one was taken to the hospital for precautionary checks.

Paris told legacy media the company had a zero-tolerance stance on violence, especially as the holiday season approaches, reminding the public that retail workers deserve respect, not aggression.

In a video shared on social media, Paris highlighted the importance of customer respect towards staff, especially during stressful times. He stressed that the health and safety of employees are a top priority, and such behaviour will always result in significant consequences, including permanent removal from One NZ’s services.

His message garnered widespread support online, with many urging other networks to adopt similar measures to protect retail workers. Paris also called on Kiwis to be mindful of the stresses faced by retail staff during the busy Christmas period.

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  1. Countdown Stores are seeing this to the point that they have equipped employees with body cams.
    The popuation is pissed off at being pimped by ‘those in the know’, the ‘PTB’, and the so-called ‘Pillars of Society’ who demanded vaccines, societal shut-downs damaging or closing businesses, schools, and access to normal medical services which have not recovered.
    The vaccines are effecting synaptic in the brain, as the spike protein has crossed the blood/brain barrier and is effecting violent behaviours.
    Domestic violence, road rage, and unprovoked attack in public are on the rise as people are now realising that they will be ‘losing everything’ as Gerald Celente has mentioned.
    Be aware of your surroundings, and keep reasonable distances in traffic and from people.

  2. Those in Customer Services are also being abusive towards the customers as well, with attitudes of being lazy, combative, and disrespectful.
    Visiting several mall stores last week, NOT ONE store employee came over to ask if they could be of assistance, and when asked about a particular product, the response when asked to ‘check if there are any in the back’ was “We won’t have anything come in for several weeks’ or ‘We don’t know if we’ll ever get those items back’
    No researching via the screen, inter-store phone calls, etc. No effort made to make a sale.
    Most of the time the store employees are ignoring the customers and are deeply involved in their own conversations, etc.
    After all, the world owes Generations X, Y & Z everything, …or so they think…!
    But, many are working poor in the gig economy, and several have made mention that they couch crash or sleep rough, showering at the homes of friends, or public access showers.

    • You are SO right!
      Betcha most of them can’t even spell service, dedication or presence.
      Less even comprehend such.
      But let’s be right on here: the responsibility, accountability, fault, blame and -in another world- restitution shall be placed on ideologically subverted ‘edjucation’, created by persons following their adage of a socialist world that feeds their delusions of grandeur and stick-beak psychosis forever. Total morons without any humanitarianism in them, inventing by decree the straight-jacked that they should wear as yoke fitted to the good people of the land.
      What you describe is just that brood’s offspring, ‘fall out’, distant remnants of once capable and inspired humanity.
      And IMHO all that started with free tokens invented by a few to jhe enslavement of the rest.

  3. Lols, I thought it was just me. I cringed when he addressed everyone as ‘Team’
    It gives the appearance of equality doesn’t it? Yeah right.

  4. When it was Vodaphone (aka by us as Vomitphone), when our child was about 6, he went over to one of the display phones and picked it up to explore.
    The Vomitphone employee (a middle-aged man) immediately went over and snatched it from our child’s hand, and yelled at our child to ‘keep your hand off…!” despite the fact that cables were attached the display & sample phones at the kiosk.
    Our child is autistic…and this line of abuse caused a melt-down.
    I immediately went home and filed three complaints;
    One was with Vomitphone, another was with the NZ HRC, and lastly the NZ H&DC.
    Never heard back from any of them…
    BUT- we never have and never will engage ‘Vomitphone’ aka Óne’ since then.
    Elon Musk, who is making Star Link available to Óne’, should appreciate the disgusting behaviours on Óne’ as he himself has admitted to having Aspergers.
    Will there be a double standard here??? After all…
    Money talks, and bullshit walks!


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