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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Kiwis vent at Prince William over Ardern damehood

Prince William’s presentation of a damehood to former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has sparked controversy and an outpouring of negative reactions from New Zealanders.

The ceremony, held yesterday, saw Ardern receive the honour in recognition of her “leadership” during her time as Prime Minister, a move that many have criticised as undeserved.

One critic, Anglican vicar and media personality Calvin Robinson believed, “this kind of move could mean the end of the monarchy.”

The official announcement from the Prince and Princess of Wales was shared on X, where it was met with a wave of angry responses. While some celebrated Ardern’s contributions, many New Zealanders voiced their outrage, questioning both the award and the nomination process.

The Prince and Princess of Wales tweeted: “Yesterday, the Prince of Wales had the pleasure of presenting Dame Jacinda Ardern with her damehood in recognition of her service to New Zealand and its people.”

The reactions were swift and harsh. One user, echoing the sentiments of many detractors, wrote:

“Jacinda the C*** is not worthy of NZ’s highest honor. She is a self-nominated Dame!”

Another expressed frustration with her successor’s involvement, stating: “Chris Hipkins (her replacement) and unelected caretaker PM was the a*****e that officially nominated her.”

Many critics highlighted their belief that Ardern’s legacy was tarnished, with one commenter angrily claiming: “Jacinda Ardern is New Zealand’s WORST PM EVER!”

Others used the opportunity to criticise Prince William for honouring Ardern, with one tweet reading: “F*** you William, you IGNORANT Jacinda lick a**. Keep her there, we don’t want her back!”

Ardern, who has remained a polarising figure in New Zealand politics, received the honour for her “leadership” through significant events such as the Christchurch mosque attacks, the COVID-19 pandemic, and her focus on mental health initiatives. Despite her attempts at international acclaim, some New Zealanders continue to hold strong grievances against her policies and governance.

The decision to hold the ceremony outside of New Zealand, rather than in her home country, also drew criticism. Many speculated that Ardern sought to avoid protests, with one user remarking: “Jacinda couldn’t even accept the bogus award in NZ because she knows Kiwis would PROTEST & none of us would allow it to happen.”

While some see her as a leader who guided the country through turbulent times, others view her time in office as a period of failure and discontent, and the lowest point in New Zealand’s history.

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  1. Yes, this makes me feel nauseous but lets not forget the horrible way people were treated during the COVID regime was supported by the likes of National, ACT and the Greens. Why would anyone vote for any of them, EVER?

    • That is why I voted for the NZ LOYAL PARTY which was mysteriously shut-down by Liz Gunn (aka Liz Cooney…)!
      The Loyal Party membership called for a meeting to discuss the party’s future, but the results of that have not been made public via e-mail newsletter / message notifications.
      The (S)Electoral Office was not helpful in guiding the party before the last (s)election, and essentially insured that there would be major screw-ups with getting the Loyal Party Candidates properly registered and submitted.
      Liz Gunn was attacked by the NZ Police at Auckland Airport to the point of traumatic injury…as has happened to other women who took part in the Welly Covid / Mandate protests.
      Dereliction of duty, treason, subversion of justice, etc. are everything that Jabby did and stands for.
      The Globalists have found her to be a useful Global Communist tool.
      It’s time that both NZ and Australia cut the ties to the UK, and for both NZ & Oz to merge into an Australasian super-state.
      At least then we’ll have better services provided that the WEF / WHO / NWO Zio-Globalists are removed from the countries post-merger.
      However, Oz needs to boot the current Premiers and the PM, and follow the Aussie Cossack’s advice on who NOT to vote for. In the meantime, the Aussie Cossack has had to seek shelter in the Russian Embassy in order to avoid the persecutory faux charges that the current tyrannical NWO Australian Police / FSB have levied against him, with video proof of him being harassed by the cops, a previous imprisonment for exercising free speech, and a raid on his apartment on one occasion.
      In the meantime, we boycott holidays to Oz until the Aussie Cossack is released and the heads of the various levels of government and the Police are removed and replaced with lawful Australian pro-patriots!
      Ricardo Bosi would make an excellent Australian PM…

  2. IF Princess Diana were alive, she would no doubt condemn this spurious act…
    An assassination made to look like a car accident…not even the Mossad could keep up with that one…!
    Paparazzi following alongside the car in the tunnel with flash cameras blinding the supposedly drunk driver…?
    Diana supposedly referred to the extended Royal Family as ‘Lizards’…what did she actually see and encounter when going behind closed doors to sign the ‘wedding registry’???
    RIP Princess Diana…

  3. Jabcinda has a special place in history
    and its not a nice one.
    Pure evil, now openly endorsed by Bristh Royals so we know
    they are all in the satan club.

  4. She is employed by HIM so NO surprise really.
    Awards do not change who you are and what you have done.
    Next it will be the Nobel piece prize no doubt.

  5. The all parasites, everything the have is all been stolen and the get away with it. We should do to them what the did to us.

  6. Media has orders from the WEF to rehabilitate Ardern. Same old, same old, keep banging on a certain theme and they think the population will begin to wonder if they got it right.
    These people, including the ‘Royal’ family, think they are bullet proof, hence the laughing and joking. But one day they will put on their make up and regalia and parade through the streets lined with silent people. No flag waving or cheering. Just millions of people watching them.
    All their titles and honours will mean nothing then. They will be seen for what they really are. Just a pack of scoundrels.

  7. Who cares just coz you have an award doesn’t stop you from being a murderer jabcinda you disgusting piece of turd. I agree keep her in your country Willie your country is even more fd she’ll fit right in – o and where’s Wally I mean Clarkie baby how’s the babysitter???


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