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Saturday, October 26, 2024

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Trump would consider pardoning Hunter Biden

Donald Trump - Hunter Biden news

Former President Donald Trump has indicated that he may consider pardoning Hunter Biden if he wins the upcoming presidential election, despite his critique of the case as “very bad for our country.”

Hunter Biden, who faces serious charges including federal gun felonies and tax evasion, could serve significant prison time if convicted.

In an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump commented on his stance, saying, “I wouldn’t take it off the books,” referring to a potential pardon.

Trump linked Biden Jnr’s situation to broader political motivations, pointing out that unlike his rivals, he chose not to pursue legal action against Hillary Clinton in 2016, as he thought it “would look terrible.”

Trump further criticised the circumstances surrounding Hunter Biden, highlighting the controversial “laptop from hell” and adding, “All you had to do is see the laptop.”

He believes the ongoing legal issues reflect poorly on the country, though he suggested a more forgiving approach than some of his supporters might expect.

Hunter Biden’s “misplaced” laptop is said to implicate the Biden family in foreign corruption, and was later authenticated despite initial claims in the legacy media and by political opponents that it was “Russian disinformation.”

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  1. The Biden are at the hart of financing biolabs in ukraine. US biolabs ( also covid19) using ukrainian population as biolabs’ rats . Hundreds if not thousands died already through those experiments. Surely no pardon for that kind of crimes against humanity !!

    “Ukraine, a warning to the world” by Thierry Laurent Pellet ( amazon)

    • Agree, there are surely some lines remaining that must not be crossed. Hunter is due the full weight of the law and must serve time for his sins.

  2. The very idea of Trump pardoning that rat is disgusting and disturbing. He might as well pardon every scumbag that had dealings with the devil for power over the people. It would be a very long list.


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