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Sunday, September 29, 2024

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YouTube removes video of NZ government COVID statistics because it ‘breaches government’s advice’

A video reviewing the 2021 year of COVID largely using the government’s own statistics has been censored by YouTube.

The video, uploaded by regular Daily Telegraph New Zealand (DTNZ) opinion writer Guy Hatchard received almost 20,000 views in three days before it was removed.

In an email to DTNZ, media organisations and bloggers, Hatchard said:

‘At 9:53pm on New Year’s Eve, I received an email from a person claiming to work in a senior role in the NZ Health System saying that I had likely come to the attention of the SIS, Police and  GCSB because there are some concerning phrases and people showing on your comments that will be triggering their interests. This person appeared to be the same person who had been trolling the comments section of the video the previous day. In any case by the next morning the video was taken down. YouTube claimed it contradicted the advice of the Ministry of Health. The video does almost exclusively contain official government statistics, but it must now be a serious offence in NZ to embarrass the government by quoting their own statistics.’

The video has since been uploaded to YouTube alternative Bitchute by user ClareSwinney:

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  1. Things could be worse than Comrade Cindy if the National Socialists get in power,backed by other fascists like Winston and the ACTing morons

  2. Thanks Guy Hatchard for doing sterling work, and keep it up!
    We need it.
    Never let the pathetic weasels of untruth deter you.

  3. Thanks very much for daring to publicly ask the right questions – in this time of blatant censorship and propaganda, that takes a lot of courage.

  4. No surprise here. The blinded people voted for a left gov and got a socialist democratic govt (the new name for communist parties). All my mates who voted labour- god bless them – hate the woman and her lying deceit. Now we have ardern and Luxon and both are despotic Hitlers mandating jabbing. Need we say more. We haven’t one party in govt right now that has morals period. So whose surprised labour is taking down everything about themselves. Even arderns dad is disgusted with her tyrannistic bent. Truth hurts and she will be held to task as a war criminal for killing innocent people.

  5. No surprise here. The blinded people voted for a left gov and got a socialist democratic govt (the new name for communist parties). All my mates who voted labour- god bless them – hate the woman and her lying deceit. Now we have ardern and Luxon and both are despotic Hitlers mandating jabbing. Need we say more. We haven’t one party in govt right now that has morals period. So whose surprised labour is taking down everything about themselves. Even arderns dad is disgusted with her tyrannistic bent. Truth hurts and she will be held to task as a war criminal for killing innocent people.

  6. Time for a re-think of a system of governance that allows psychopaths to gain control of us. The Swiss system of Direct Democracy isn’t corruption-free but it makes a lot more sense than what we currently have, and we have the infrastructure to create it with relative ease.


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