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Sunday, February 9, 2025


Bert Olivier

Bert Olivier works at the Department of Philosophy, University of the Free State. Bert does research in Psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, ecological philosophy and the philosophy of technology, Literature, cinema, architecture and Aesthetics. His current project is 'Understanding the subject in relation to the hegemony of neoliberalism.'

Technocracy, fear-mongers, and the conspiracy

The term, ‘conspiracy theory’ became part of common parlance during the ‘Covid era,’ but although all of us know what it refers to –...

Is peace possible today?

As we approach Christmas, with its connotations of peace and goodwill to all people, and the New Year, when one traditionally comes up with...

Schopenhauer: Humanity’s fall to irrationality

In the third section of The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music (1872) Friedrich Nietzsche quotes the ancient tragedian, Sophocles, where...

Philosophy of law for the modern world

The French philosopher, Jean-Francois Lyotard, who contributed important philosophical insights in a variety of philosophical sub-disciplines, regarded his book, The Differend (originally published in...

The WHO’s road to totalitarianism

Several articles on the proposed amendments to the WHO’s international health regulations have appeared here on Brownstone. Such as this excellent introduction. Consequently, there is no...

Technology: The weapon of the people

In an essay titled 'Looking forward, looking backward,’ philosopher of technology, Andrew Feenberg writes (in Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity,...

Authority isn’t what it used to be

When one frames the current developments in the world – which may be framed in several ways – according to the question, whether the...

Must we ‘Leave the World Behind’?

The recent movie, Leave the World Behind (Sam Esmail, Dir; 2023; Netflix), based on the novel by Rumaan Alam (2020) is not what it...

Slave or master of technology: The choice is ours

After writing the post on what Martin Heidegger can teach us about technology, I realised that some readers might come to the conclusion that...

Technology and a tyranny worse than prison

In an outstanding piece of political-theoretical writing, titled ‘The Threat of Big Other’ (with its play on George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’) Shoshana Zuboff, succinctly...
