13.2 C
Thursday, January 16, 2025


Guy Hatchard

Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

What just happened to New Zealand? Apparently it is all our own fault.

In the short space of three years New Zealand society has been transformed. Our economic circumstances, our health landscape, our political ideas, our attitude to...

The sobering lesson of published Covid science: STOP taking mRNA Covid vaccines now

Last week we reported two recently published scientific studies. One of these found that Covid vaccination increases susceptibility to bacterial and viral infection among the young—it...

Guy Hatchard: Further scientific verification of the harms of Covid vaccination

We have entered the election silly season where politicians of all parties are promising us the earth. All the more important that we keep our...

Guy Hatchard: Business as usual is a miscarriage of justice

Another among hundreds of novel biotech vaccines currently under development for a range of diseases has gained approval from the US FDA. Abrysvo is Pfizer’s vaccine...

Guy Hatchard: The Great Pandemic Confidence Trick

There is a new book out called Anansi’s Gold by Yepoka Yeebo which tells the story of how a convicted small-time confidence trickster John Ackah Blay-Miezah...

Deaths up 14%, natural live births down 28%, Disability up 37.5% – NZ official birth and death figures for 12 months to the end...

Stats NZ released the official figures for births and deaths for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 today. The short summary accompanying the...

Guy Hatchard: Twenty Reasons Biotechnology Experimentation Should Be Outlawed

The National Party with the support of ACT have announced that if elected they will recklessly ignore the lessons of the pandemic by deregulating...

The Uninformed Election that has become a Gateway to Chaos

After three years of pandemic pandemonium that has all but destroyed the New Zealand we knew and loved, we are heading into an election...

Guy Hatchard: Why do we ask the same questions again and again?

Someone wrote to us after our last article “Startling revelations change everything New Zealanders have been schooled to believe” and complained that my writing...

Startling revelations change everything New Zealanders have been schooled to believe

Bombshell revelations reported this weekend by The Australian, a leading broadsheet owned by the Murdoch group, have huge implications for pandemic policy here in...
