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Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

New studies further confirm adverse effects of Covid vaccines. Can these be reversed, if so how?

In this article we review newly published research studies on adverse effects of mRNA vaccines and draw out the implications for a meditation and whole food diet programme which could play a role in mitigating these effects.

A study funded by the US FDA has found a new vaccine safety signal. This was a retrospective study which analysed the medical records of four million children aged 6 months to 17 years. In addition to the known high risk of myopericarditis, the study found a statistically significant number of children aged 2 to 5 years suffered seizures and convulsions following the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines.

An article in the Epoch Times summarises multiple reports and case studies of mental illness following Covid vaccination. Symptoms include panic attacks, depression, insomnia, anxiety and hallucinations. We have also reported worrying rises in mental health problems in New Zealand under the title “The Long Read: Mental Health Issues are Multiplying. Why?

A UK review of 271 cases has been published in the journal Vaccines entitled “New-Onset Rheumatic Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Following SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinations until May 2023: A Systematic Review“. It concluded COVID vaccines “may trigger” rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, vasculitis, lupus, and adult-onset Still’s disease.

A peer reviewed study conducted in Saudi Arabia published by Cureus entitled “Impact of COVID-19 Vaccinations on Menstrual Bleeding” has found that more than half of the subjects (54%) suffered post-vaccination menstrual bleeding abnormality in terms of a heavy or irregular cycle.

A peer reviewed study published in Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law entitled “COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experiences in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions” estimates that “the total number of US fatalities due to COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 289,789 (95% CI: 229,319 – 344,319)”. This is remarkably consistent with the actual rate of New Zealand excess deaths we reported based on official data once you adjust for relative population size and vaccination uptake in the two nations.

There are actually more studies and reports than these alarming findings, but let us proceed to draw out  the general implications of these and many other assessments of mRNA vaccine safety that we have been regularly reporting.

In an article Sucharit Bhakdi MD and others point out that the essential mechanism of mRNA vaccines inevitably results in an autoimmune conflict. Our immune system is designed to destroy any cells which contain non identical (or non-self) genetic material. mRNA vaccines invade billions of cells throughout the body which our immune system then seeks to destroy. Dr Bhakdi explains this leads to long term physiological conflict as a result of which cells in the brain and heart, which the body lacks the capacity to replace, may be destroyed. This is also a pathway to cancer generation.

Dr. Bhadki hints at a principle of ‘unique genetic identity’ at the heart of every organism, or more simply put our psychological concept of ‘self’ is aligned with our unique personal genetics. Other researchers and theorists are beginning to investigate the origins of the integrated cellular self-organisation which is the hallmark of large organisms. This article proposes the existence of cellular communication waves. This one from the Smithsonian identifies universal mathematical principles underlying cellular size and mass.

Systematic efforts to withhold data on long term Covid infection outcomes compared to Covid vaccine outcomes (as has happened here in New Zealand and elsewhere) have obfuscated and frustrated many sincere efforts to distinguish generalised outcomes of Covid vaccination as opposed to background rates of specific illnesses. To this very day, there has still not been a single study published that looks at unvaccinated outcomes from January 2020 compared to vaccinated outcomes today. The consequent lack of recognition for a generalised effect of mRNA Covid vaccination on cellular organisation and function is a serious deficiency in our current medical understanding that needs to be corrected as a priority.

If our sense of self is affected by mRNA vaccines, can this be reversed?

There is an important lesson we can take from the proliferation of research articles indicating a very wide range of adverse effects of mRNA vaccination. mRNA vaccines disrupt fundamental properties of genetic organisation which underpin our sense of ‘self’. They alter who we are and how we function. They degrade not only the holistic level of genetic organisation but also our identity.

Now let us turn around the argument and start from the other end so to speak, start from the self rather than the cell, start from the whole rather than the part. From this perspective, our physiology can appear to be a resonant vibrational mode of our unique identity. If our self-expression is disrupted by mRNA vaccines, is it possible that any physiological disruption might be corrected by strengthening our sense of self? Decades ago, I gave a lecture at the University of York Centre for Health Economics. Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) studied at the Centre were an attempt to assess the relative merits of medical interventions in the modern era.

Essentially, the better you feel following a medical procedure and the more you are able to do for yourself, the more useful any added longevity bestowed by a medical intervention will be. The Centre had selected 45 measures of quality of life. My lecture centred on the results of scientific research on meditation as it related to these 45 criteria. A table as follows, reproduced from my book Your DNA Diet, summarises verified improvements in all 45 criteria as a result of meditation. The numbers refer to hundreds of supporting scientific studies referenced in my book.

The wide scope of the findings is notable in itself. They illustrate the HOLISTIC effect of more orderly awake consciousness on the whole physiology. This effect is simultaneously holistic and specific. Improvements in specific areas of the physiology and psychology are coupled with improvements in the physiology and psychology as a whole. Because deep meditation strengthens our sense of self, it strengthens the functioning of the whole physiology and the parts. This points to a strengthening of the immune system.

It appears that research points to a role for meditation in the treatment of mRNA Covid vaccine injury

mRNA studies

This is not an isolated suggestion on my part. Watch this BBC Reel from 2020 entitled Three simple ways to deactivate your bad genes which explains that meditation, a diet based on whole foods, and exercise have been proven to reduce disease-inducing inflammation in the body by initiating improvements in the epigenetic regulation of our gene expression.

Now contrast this with current medical thinking on the diagnosis and treatment of mRNA Covid vaccine injury. The main thrust has been to identify a specific illness type such as myocarditis, kidney disease, cancer, etc. and to proceed to specific treatment. This approach ignores the generalised disruption of the immune system and the impaired genetic interface at the root of the disease development.

Moreover the idea that mRNA vaccines might be causally involved is often dismissed once a diagnosis is made, and replaced with the notion of an undiagnosed pre-existing condition or weakness. An approach that ignores the specific toxic characteristics of the mRNA vaccine components and also misses any opportunity for treatment involving detoxification measures. If a specific diagnosis or cause is lacking, varied symptoms can be vaguely dismissed as forms of ‘Long Covid’—an approach that often does not lead to treatment options. Thus current medical thinking ignores simple natural self-managed approaches well understood to be of benefit pre pandemic.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. I have done street evangelism in NZ for more than 10 years. It has become much more difficult and less fruitful since the vaccine roll-out. In my opinion the vaccine has had a profound spiritual effect. I don’t think the difference can be put down to the psychological consequences of lockdowns and fear.


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