17.5 C
Thursday, May 2, 2024


Guy Hatchard

Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: What should we expect to change under the newly elected government?

The NZ Herald has published a potpourri of National campaign promises under the headline “Election 2023: What gets axed under the National-led Government?". I don’t...

A message for the new parliamentarians

Congratulations to those who succeeded in their election bid. We won’t know the exact composition of parliament until the tally of special votes is announced...

How NZ government policy came to be dominated by advisers who sought to legitimise risky biotech experimentation

As our last three releases have discussed, vaccine exemptions were widely granted to health service personnel. Now we will discuss the wider pool of evidence which suggests...

Guy Hatchard: Vaccinegate

The government granted 11,000 vaccine exemptions to Ministry of Health employees whilst refusing exemptions to the public, the private sector and other ministries. What...

Thousands not hundreds of Ministry of Health workers were granted Covid vaccine exemptions whilst the government threatened the public with police action if they...

Ursula Edgington PhD who writes under the title Informed Heart on Substack has sent me a partial breakdown of 6,700 medical staff granted vaccine exemptions provided...

The Ministry of Health granted vaccine exemptions to hundreds among its key staff whilst hypocritically insisting that the public be vaccinated

An OIA HNZ00023978 dated 2 August 2023 asked the following question: “According to the legislation at the time in 2021, there were operational exemptions available for...

The Long Read: Mental health issues are multiplying – Why?

What does data and research tell us? What are the remedies? Alarming mental health statistics are being put in the too hard basket and quietly...

The world is gripped by a dream that is opening the road to annihilation

A paradigm is a framework of ideas, concepts, models, research methods and assumptions that constitute the basis of a scientific theory or outlook. It can...

Guy Hatchard: What policies could improve our health outcomes?

As you know, public health is my major concern. Little is possible without robust health. So the most important question is what alternatives are available...

Guy Hatchard: Our worst nightmare beckons

An article buried in the rush of Covid science publishing we have been experiencing this year, recounts a finding that should have featured in...
