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Friday, April 19, 2024


Guy Hatchard

Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: The tide is turning, but much remains to be done

Yesterday’s coalition policy announcements validated our lobbying efforts and those of multiple others over the last two years. Some key research findings and concerns finally...

Guy Hatchard: The coalition teeters on the brink of some dangerous decisions

With the announcement of an impending policy deal between the coalition partners, it is a time to reflect on where we are as a...

Guy Hatchard: An Open Letter to the MPs of the New Parliament

What are you going to do about record levels of excess deaths and anyone advising you that they don’t matter or even exist? The main...

Alarming acceleration in NZ excess deaths, latest official figures up 70% on last year

Our health system is collapsing but health tsars are in complete denial, desperately trying to hide the deaths and distort the science. Here is a...

Guy Hatchard: What the dentist saw and what the judge thought

The Dentist: My dentist friend received mRNA Covid vaccines in 2021. He and his partner developed cardiac issues, both have since struggled to recover their...

Finding our way through a puzzling maze—Why do those in authority continue to ignore Covid vaccine safety signals?

Sometimes it appears necessary to be very blunt in one’s assessments. Some facts are hard to face, but must be faced. This release follows on...

Guy Hatchard: The Covid vaccine fanaticism our newly elected Government must reject

Pressure is growing on the government and the medical establishment to act responsibly to inform the public of risks, end vaccine promotion and repudiate...

How can we wake up the comatose political process?

A new paper should alarm our newly elected politicians and galvanise them into responsible action. A newly published paper from the Netherlands entitled “Suppressed IgG4...

New studies further confirm adverse effects of Covid vaccines. Can these be reversed, if so how?

In this article we review newly published research studies on adverse effects of mRNA vaccines and draw out the implications for a meditation and...

Guy Hatchard: The Good Doctor and Cancer Deaths

We have reported record levels of excess deaths in New Zealand and around the world in our articles during the last two years (see...
