Germany's Der Spiegel removes clip in which Azovstal evacuee criticized Ukraine.
Citing “discrepancies in content,” the German magazine Der Spiegel has removed a video showing...
Security Council unanimously backs “search for a peaceful solution” to the conflict.
The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a statement on Friday supporting the secretary-general’s...
Two electric buses recently caught fire in Paris, leading to a suspension of services while the causes of the spontaneous combustions are investigated.
One such...
Want to voice an opinion? Send us a ‘Letter to the Editor’ by email to, including your name, or initials, or ‘Anonymous’, and...
Want to voice an opinion? Send us a ‘Letter to the Editor’ by email to, including your name, or initials, or ‘Anonymous’, and...
Real Madrid and stunning comebacks seem to have become synonyms in the Champions League.
The Los Blancos came back from the brink against both Paris...
The Government is strengthening New Zealand’s biosecurity system as part of Budget 2022 to help protect our vital primary sector and native flora and...
Kiev accuses the exiled opposition figure of "treason".
Prominent blogger and critic of the Ukrainian government, Anatoly Shariy, has been detained by Spanish police as...