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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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1 in 25 COVID jab cases needed treatment for side-effects says Germany’s largest health insurer

Techniker Krankenkasse news

Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) finally admitted, after months of stalling, to shocking statistic.

According to The Rair Foundation:

‘In 2021, the massive number of 437,593 insured, or 1 in 25, received medical treatment for side effects of vaccination, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). This number is almost twice as high as all side effects reported by the German federal medical agency Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) and Lareb Germany. Furthermore, it represents an increase of 3000 percent for TK compared to 2019 and 2020.’

This follows the admission by the German government that 1 in 5,000 mRNA recipients suffered a ‘serious adverse’ effect, although many believe that figure is the tip of the iceberg. The latest figures from TK would tend to back that claim up.

‘Both former health insurance fund boss Andreas Schöfbeck, the National Association of Physicians of Statutory Health Insurance (KBV), and now also the Techniker Krankenkasse figures show that the actual number of severe side effects as a result of the experimental covid injections is many times higher than was first officially assumed,’ said The Rair Foundation.

The released TK figures also showed that the number of doctor visits due to the vaccines among the millions of customers of the German health insurer was no less than ten times higher than the official figures released by the German government.

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  1. Kiwis are not insured much and the collapsing health system does noit even want to accept any claim on vaccine injuries and blames on other factors as if they know. Systemic issues plague our health system and soon will be another stasi operation to justify their poor performance.


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