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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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‘Found dead with blood coming from all orifices’: Case 36 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out

Case 36 Aussie Frontline Workers Speak Out news

Case 36: ‘Found dead with blood coming from all orifices’

In this series DTNZ brings you testimony from frontline health workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, speaking out as to what they have witnessed in Australia’s vaccine roll-out programme.

The testimony is provided to Telegram group ‘Frontline Workers Speak Out!’ (FWSO)*.

Acting Manager (Mental Health Accomodation Service)
Submission Date: 28/09/21


I work for a mental health accommodation service where our clients and staff were given the opportunity to attend a COVID vaccination clinic onsite.

Despite most other staff within the organisation basically forcing clients to get vaccinated, I made it very clear to my staff that this is peoples’ personal choice and that we are not allowed to give advice or our personal opinion on this matter. I made it very clear to my staff where I stood on the matter, but did not obviously discuss this with my clients.

A few of our clients did choose to attend the clinic and get the vaccine unfortunately. Then just under two weeks later, one client reported feeling unwell with a ‘stomach bug’.

Three days later I sighted this client and the client did not look well – The clients symptoms had progressed to dizziness, unstable on the feet, headache and inability to focus. As normal, we called for medical advice and were given direction, which did not include going to hospital. Two days later this client was found dead in bed with blood coming from all orifices on the clients head (so a suspected haemorrhage I guess?).

One month later we are still awaiting the autopsy results so I can’t 100% confirm that this was due to the vaccine, but I can’t see what else would cause a person under 40 years old to suddenly die like this.

* FWSO is an Anonymous channel for nurses and healthcare workers in Australia. Its purpose is to share alternative experiences from frontline workers who see firsthand the damage caused by COVID-19 vaccinations. Submissions are matched with official registration where available. Submissions are passed through a team of healthcare professionals for vetting. High levels of discernment and security are used in the submission process. Some details may be redacted or slightly altered (ie. timelines, dates, names) to protect the healthcare workers. It is a collective movement with a large admin team. Visit – FWSO Telegram Channel.

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  1. Wasn’t there a woman who received her vaccine one day and next day was found dead in similar circumstances???

    It was reported in the paper……..haven’t seen any updates.

    Just terrible.

  2. Funny how easy it is to link a death to covid. Just need to die within 28 days of a positive test.
    Funny how hard it is to link a death to a vaccine.To die within 28 days, does not seem enough …

    Funny how this system benefits some …

  3. Bereaved.
    Funny how it is that sister receives the vaccine. Gets sick immediately and sicker until she goes to hospital. When she tries to tell North Shore Hospital doctors that she became sick after the vaccine they look at her as if “looks could kill”. (her words while still alive). . The looks didn’t kill but I have no doubt my sister would not have died, 25 days later, if she had not had the vaccine. Coronoers Report stated no cause of death found.
    Now news out of German health insurance industry says it all
    ruth is finally coming out. Will there be justice? For my sister and millions of others who are suffering or worse?



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