The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation partnered with the World Health Organisation and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security at a recent event in Belgium.
Invitees took part in a ‘table-top simulation’ where a deadly enterovirus originating in South America sometime in 2025 spreads across the world, killing millions of people. Children will be particularly vulnerable to the disease, which is part of the polio family of viruses.
The virus is named SEERS – Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome.
The Belgium exercise has recalled memories of the now infamous Event 201, where the same parties ran simulations of a ‘flu-like’ global viral outbreak in October 2019, just two months before the first cases of COVID were detected in China.
Independent news and opinion channel Redacted looked at Gates’ latest ‘virus preparedness clinic.’ The software engineer and college drop-out has made a 10-fold profit from his investments in health and vaccine technology pre-COVID, turning $10 billion into $200 billion, in what he called his ‘best investment’.
“Gates” needs to be put in a cage as that’s what you do to animals?
Actually scratch that. Just put “it” down.
There are many half-wits going on shooting sprees. Can anyone please find the rightful targets?
Amen to that
gates can not be allowed to exist
Bill Gates wants the population to be reduced to about a billion in the world. He is just part of the Eugenicists & Satanists who dominate the power in the Western world.
just read on wikipedia about the ” Church Commitee”. It gives a good picture of what the USA and all its ” alphabet” agencies are capable of. Psychopaths and criminals and yes probably ” satanists”
Both of Gate’s parents were deep into eugenics.
Where’s Raymond Reddington and his Blacklist when you need him???
Health advice from an unqualified evil billionaire genocidal eugenist.
Not for me thanks.
Bill Gates is literally TELLING the WORLD that he plans to kill us all and everybody is still sitting down?
Of course they’re sitting down. All of the Western countries are Drag Queen Kids Republics filled with degenerate subhuman pedophilic scum.
Subconsciously they know that they deserve death.
Right?!! I was thinking the same thing!!! I’m sharing this article with everyone I know!!!!
Bill, Malinda and the kids didn’t take the vaccine, wonder why?
If the politicians, media, military Industrial pharmaceutical complex and a lot of talking heads weren’t on board the depopulation agenda, we would not be here.
Imagine if middle management weren’t so good at following orders, and actually didn’t agree with incremental genocide on a global scale?
Imagine if we had people who worked for 5 decades to do the equal and exact opposite to what these creatures have done , and are planning to do.
Where would we be?
It was then that Gates looked at Melinda and smiled saying: “We’ll have to prepare for the next one. That will get attention this time.” The couple broke into a smile that was soon given a tint of a conspiracy by netizens.
The smile was an evil looking smirk.
Yes I saw that too, they’re both so blatantly corrupt and evil.
Karma won’t tolerate these vile creatures for too long, it never does.
That smirk could have been a great scene in a James Bond movie. It is all just so surreal. Remember some of the early James Bond movies about some mad Scientist or Billionaire wanting to take over the world and or kill everybody ? Maybe ship Bill off to India, he is wanted for murder there, they want to hang him. No his homeland need to INDICT TRY AND FRY !!!
Bill Gates wants population control, so why not start with him?
I agree, I’m sure Bill and his family will be voluntarily first in line for euthanasia to save the planet from ‘climate change’.
After all he is a ‘philanthropist’.
Bill and Melinda need to understand that ‘ the moment there is birth, DEATH is certain ‘. Karma never forgets their address.
Interesting that it’s a polio type virus. Seeing how the oral polio vaccine has caused transmission of the disease (shedding) by the same people predicting the timing of said event.
I keep looking at the picture of te Rauparaha: and all I can see is Bill Gates (Mr Google translates ‘rauparaha’ as ‘chaos’…….ring any bells?) I hear time travel is expensive but then he has an above first class ticket to just about anywhere, anytime (put in ‘te rauparaha’ and you get ‘the problem’ ). In true Hollywood fashion, the bank robbing hero of ‘Jumper’ is the cool good guy, while Samuel L Jackson’s Paladin (sort of a time cop) is ridiculed, but that’s Hollywood. Do we really need Hollywood to rule our hearts, minds and souls?
Check out the pictures before Mr Google redacts them..check out the nose..I mean Jeff Bezos is naming his floating slaughterhouse ‘Koru’ and they all have a ticket.
“Māori cultural experts have come out in support of billionaire Jeff Bezos, who has given his $500 million luxury yacht a Māori name.
Yesterday the Herald revealed the Amazon founder, according to AIS on Vesselfinder, had named his boat Koru – meaning new beginnings and continuity.
Hundreds of Herald readers also took to our Facebook page, with the majority of Māori and Pākehā also very supportive.” NZ Herald.
Hard to believe the obsequious foolishness.
Instead of the word ‘Koru’, Bezos should rather use the more appropriate name, ‘Super Parasite’ for his superyacht.
Bezos should name his superyacht the far more appropriate term, “Super Parasite” gobbling up the world’s natural resources and money at a stupendous rate, while the stupid in NZ applaud him.
Kudos to the comment writer, but again, shame on Stuff and on their comment policies, either censored or ‘closed’.
Again DTNZ stands out as a shining beacon for free speech!!!
You forgot to mention the name of their latest ‘simulation’ = Catastrophic Contagion 2025 ! One must be very sick in the head to come up with a name like that! Let’s hope they die before 2025.
How long is this going to take place before they are tried and convicted for mass murder? Modern day hitler. Is there not one lawyer that will stand up and exercise due process??? A bullet in the head would be too humane.
…but surer than a Court battle where they might bribe or blackmail their way out.
The only thing we are preparing for is justice day for Bill and his globalist mates – that day is drawing nearer and money will not save him.
I have the strongest t-cell immunity. It is proved by 4 immunograms in 3 of them t-cells are exceeded in abs.number/ml and. And in 1 immunogram, the calculation was carried out only as a percentage. 4 immunograms will be provided, if necessary, in an attached file. The immunogram was made within 5 years. Is it possible to make medicine from my immune cells? I strongly recommend watching the 2013 movie Virus Korea. You don’t want to repeat this scenario only on a global scale
I had coronavirus in August for 2.5 days, symptoms of cough, sneezing, runny nose, fever. Had asymptomatic hepatitis B in 2.5 months or less. I had two fatal diseases in an ultralight form because I was ill for only 2.5 days and had hepatitis B in an asymptomatic form for 2.5 months or less. All evidence will be provided if necessary
The psychological similarities Gates has with Mengele is extraordinary.
Treatment of covid-19 and other infectious diseases
I have the strongest t-cell immunity.I can send you by e-mail proof of my immunity 4 PDF files. In the first file, 4 immunograms in 3 immunograms, t cells are enlarged in abs.number/ml. The third immunogram has such high rates because I did it after a cold. In the 4th immunogram, such a calculation was not carried out. In the second file, the result of the analysis for autoimmune diseases with a detailed description of the fact that I am not sick. The third file contains a consultation with a local immunologist.In the fourth file there are 3 invitations to Kazan to the immunology center
Such a high immunity because I ate only healthy food 5 times a day, I eat milk porridge every morning and drank kefir every evening. My mother is an old-age retired cook by profession. I do not work on disability. I don’t do sports and I’m getting tough
Monoclonal antibodies are the strongest weapon against any infectious diseases, they are made from immune cells, they are artificially cloned so that I can transfer this ability to people. In the USA, they made such a medicine, but it turned out to be so weak that the USA refused it. Weak because monoclonal antibodies are produced from immune cells of rats and mice with artificially raised immunity, later monoclonal antibodies are converted into human ones. And my immunity is raised naturally. So my drug does not need to be tested At least 2 times I got sick with coronavirus. For the first time in August in 2 days, symptoms are cough, sneezing, runny nose, fever. All the evidence that I was sick with coronavirus for 2 days in the 33rd polyclinic of Almetyevsk.The day after my recovery, my mother fell ill for 10 days with the same symptoms but also with a loss of sense of smell.
The second time I barely noticed the antibodies spontaneously rose from 201 to 316, doctors claim that I was ill asymptomatically.
I had hepatitis B for 2.5 months in mid-November, I was tested for AIDS hepatitis, the analysis was negative. In February, the same analysis showed antibodies to hepatitis B and after 20 days there were no traces of antibodies left
Is it possible to make medicine from my immune cells?
I recommend watching the movie virus 2013 Korea. You don’t want a repeat of this scenario on a global scale.
I ask you to quickly conduct a study of my immunity in order to create a cure for coronavirus and other infectious diseases. Due to the disease of olivopontoceribral degeneration with cerebellar atrophy, I will die soon. The disease leads to premature death. This is written by the main psycho of the city of Almetyevsk. But do not be afraid the diagnosis of organic personality disorder was made for a similar situation
I was diagnosed with a psycho for a similar article and deprived of legal capacity so that I could not cancel the diagnosis Because of this I could not go to Kazan to the immunology center
See Hal Turner’s article ( about Vaccinated Pilots’, and what they have been carrying to nations in the South Pacific; another ‘vaccine’ for the bird-to-human Bird Flu specifically designed to finish off what Covid did not…!
Dr. Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens are false!”
My thesis is not complex: all claims about viruses as pathogens are false and are based on easily recognized, understandable, and verifiably false interpretations. The true cause of disease and related phenomena attributed to viruses now have a different explanation, one that is much clearer than the current pseudo-explanations.
Scientists in laboratories think they are working with viruses, while in fact they are only working with certain components of dying tissues or cells acquired under very special circumstances. Their basic belief is that these tissues and cells die because they supposedly have been infected with a virus. In reality, however, these laboratory tissues and cells die because they are starved and poisoned as a result of the testing methodology per se. The great insight, however, is that the tissue and those cells would have also died, and they do so completely on their own – even without the addition of the supposedly ‘infected’ materials.
Fool us once, next time we won’t simply take it lying down…..
Hare Krishna!
Why Brussel ?
Brussel is NATO headkwarters.
It was NATO who rolled out the covid ” vax” in Europe
New head of NATO : ex netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte.
Mark Rutte, one should not forget, have had- during riots- the police forces shoot with real bullets unto farmers and population in Rotterdam.
That is the new head of NATO= criminal and warmongering entreprise
SEERS, sounds ominous and scary, right? I wonder if the sheeple will be stupid enough to fall for this rort, a second time? Given they keep voting for the same grifter political party’s my educated guess is a resounding, yes but what will be left of New Zealand afterwards? Only a wasteland. Maybe then the fools will wake up, “maybe”………..