The ACT Party has stated it took immediate action after learning in November 2022 that its former president, Tim Jago, had been charged with sexual abuse.
Jago, who was found guilty of indecently assaulting two teenage boys in the 1990s, resigned from his role in late January 2023 following his arrest.
The party claims it treated the initial allegations seriously, consulting with legal counsel Paul Wicks KC and following his advice.
Jago was convicted on eight counts of indecent assault after a trial in August 2024, where the survivors detailed how Jago had abused them while they were intoxicated.
A statement attributed to the party said, “We took immediate steps to check the authenticity of the claim and questioned him about it. He categorically denied the allegation.
“We were deeply shocked to learn that the complaint was real and a police investigation was underway.
“In the time that Mr Jago was a member and president of the party there were no indications of any wrongdoing.
“We respect the outcome of the court process and commend the courage of those who have come forward. We hope this verdict brings them some closure.
“The events occurred 20 years before his involvement with the ACT Party began and there was no way of knowing about his offending at the time.
“This is not a time for politics, it is a day of justice for survivors.”
Paedophilia and mental illness is strong in the political class…
As is occult membership.
Is the openly admitted blackmail aparatus for western governments, video them raping children at low level then murder organ harvest at high level.
So it’s no surprise all NZ politicians work in lockstep.
I mean, just look at their faces…says it all
To this day no one has clearly explained just how Jeffery Epstein became quite so rich.
“He was some kind of Wall Street guy, investments and such…”
Except many people who’ve tried to follow the money hit endless dead ends
mossad ???