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Ardern wraps up East Asia Summit, next stop Vietnam

ASEAN news
World Economic Forum chairman Klaus Schwab and NZ PM Jacinda Ardern.

The Prime Minister has wrapped up meetings in Cambodia with her Indo-Pacific counterparts at the annual meeting of the East Asia Summit (EAS) and the Second ASEAN Global Dialogue on Post-COVID-19 Comprehensive Recovery.

Ardern was photographed at ASEAN in the company of World Economic Forum chairman Klaus Schwab.

Schwab met with Cambodian Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on 11 November.

Schwab’s attendance at the meeting has raised the eyebrows of some, given his stated intention to create a global technocratic state where citizens would ‘own nothing and be happy,’ – and in the process lose fundamental rights to privacy and medical autonomy.

Leaders from ASEAN nations as well as Australian Prime Minister Albanese, US President Biden, Republic of Korea President Yoon, and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida also attended among others.

“Leaders met this year against a challenging backdrop of inflationary, economic and security challenges in the region,” Ardern said.

“My participation ensured New Zealand had a voice on the issues that are shaping our wider home region, and reaffirmed our commitment to a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific region with ASEAN at its centre.

“I also took the opportunity at the EAS, and in my conversations with Leaders in Cambodia, to reiterate our values-based approach to the key issues on human rights, and regional security.’

This was the first time the group has met in person since 2019.

The Prime Minister also held a bilateral meeting with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, and announced the conclusion of the negotiation to upgrade the ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA).

Ardern will now travel to Viet Nam and will be joined by Minister for Trade and Export Growth and a business delegation from New Zealand.

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  1. Don’t come back you lying deceitful Machiavellian traitor.

    No doubt Klaus gave her her next instructions.

    Anyone still claiming WEF doesn’t have an influence on nz politics seriously has their head in the sand.

  2. Ardern = Klaus Cow.
    WEF=Atlantic Council=Council on Foreign Relations=Fabian Society=NWO=IMF=World Bank=Global currency=Indentured slavery=A boot on your face forever.

  3. ‘our values-based approach to the key issues on human rights”. I cant stop laughing. They are a special breed these criminals, aren’t they? Just completely trampled on the rights of their citizenry for the last 2 and half years and then make a statement like that. I wonder what goes through her head when she is looking straight into the camera, knowing she is not a believer in what she is saying. A real snake in human form. Nothing more than Klaus’s pimp.

  4. Who invited this Nazi to the ASEAN confrence ? I thought the conference was for the elected leaders of the ASEAN Countries. Hello ? no alarm bells no red lights flashing ? what – did Mr Schwab elect himself to be a member of this ASEAN conference ? or did he bribe his way in with loads of cash ? because there are way too many of those who are elected ready to accept it. There are also way too many self elected ‘Officials’ in this world and we need to piss them off back to where they came from. The conference may as well have been a WEF conference at Davos for all I reckon what was achieved. Its a big club and we aint in it but we dont have to put up with their BS.


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