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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Australia raises terror threat level to ‘Probable’

Australia terrorism news

Australia has raised its terrorist threat level from “possible” to “probable” following warnings from the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) that the nation’s security environment has become more volatile and unpredictable.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, alongside ASIO director-general Mike Burgess, announced the change, saying that it indicates a greater than 50% chance of attack planning within the next 12 months. The decision is not a response to recent international events, such as the conflict in the Middle East, but reflects a broader increase in “extremism” and “politically motivated violence” within the country.

Both Albanese and Burgess stressed that the raised threat level does not signify an imminent attack but highlights the need for “increased vigilance.”

The Prime Minister told Australians that “safety” remains the government’s top priority, while Burgess noted that the heightened threat environment requires reassessing current security measures and paying close attention to potential “violent extremists”. The move comes amid concerns over the “radicalisation of individuals”.

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  1. Who’s going to keep us safe from these globalist governments that betray our interests at every turn?? The answer as the Brits have realised, is only themselves….

  2. Ah yep, we all know how this works.

    A state sponsored false flag operation used as a pretext for some draconian legislation ‘for your safety’.

    The globalist puppet politicians are so predictable it’s almost laughable.

  3. We no longer holiday in Oz…it’s the only country in our travels in 27 other nations where we were covertly robbed at the Naval Museum and had items stolen from us in the hotel room.
    We hope that a boycott on a massive scale will ensue, especially since the Aussie Cossack was targeted and harassed by the Masonic Australian Police for exercising his Civil, Constitutional and Human Rights.
    The Aussie Cossack sought refuge from the PTB over at the Russian Embassy away from the Masonic Australian Police, ASIO, etc. who are trying to prosecute him for assault when he was defending himself from a deranged person who struck him first.
    Not one politician has spoken-up for the Aussie Cossack…so that tells you exactly that the Parliament there is corrupt, cowardly and squeamish as verified by their ‘Plandemic Mandates’…no one spoke out from the oppressive Masonic PTB..
    The Aussie Cossack & Mrs. Cossack should be allowed to leave Oz and go to Russia, where civil, legal and human rights are 100% guaranteed.

  4. Check it out…!
    And…the commentary from below mentions Australia via ‘Angel Mason’…!
    https://www.jewworldorder.org/war-on-europe-jews-importing-millions-of-3rd-world-migrants-for-the-final-genocide-of-the-white-race/#comment-350051 (being carried out GLOBALLY!)
    The fact that Starmer & his Zionist / Khazarian Ilk via his J3wi$h wife are now going after White who have had enough should be the start of REMOVING THE ENTIRE BRITISH PARLIAMENT FROM OFFICE & POWER, either by them resigning or forcibly removing them!
    Elon Musk accurately predicts a Civil War in the U.K. as it’s now unstoppable in many regions of the world!
    Tommy Robinson persecuted for standing-up to corrupt U.K. government…


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