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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Australian town council calls for immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines due to DNA contamination

Port Hedland news

The council of Port Hedland is calling for the immediate suspension of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines due to concerns over DNA contamination found in the products.

The decision, made during a special council meeting, follows reports of health risks tied to the vaccines and personal experiences from council members. Five of the eight council members reportedly suffered adverse effects from the vaccines, with one experiencing blood clots and myocarditis.

The council voted 5-2 in favour of the motion and plans to send formal warnings to local health practitioners, as well as urge Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and other local governments across the country to take action.

Citing concerns over the potential risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including genomic integration and cancer, the council is calling for an urgent investigation into how these contaminants went undetected by Australia’s drug regulators.

The council’s decision aligns with similar calls from health experts worldwide, including Florida’s State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo.

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  1. To be ignored once again by pharmacy bought politicians too greedy for money than to be interested in the health of everyday people.

  2. Hopefully some puckered a holes amongst the “experts” that were instrumental in getting this crap into people.
    And too, those politicians who didn’t push back against the system of discrimination that the government implemented.

    A year on from being voted in, why wasn’t Winnie doing this as soon as in parliament? Wonder how long before he speaks up? Will he get ahead of the curve to appear that he gives a shit?

    Anger is needed from people instead of denial

  3. This is a SMALL TOWN that has a population of approximately 15,000 people. It will be ignored Nationally and Internationally. There is no victory here sorry.

  4. The vaccine that is made of urine should be banned because fecal contamination has been found.
    Most reading this know what I am alluding to: mRNA is bad but the whole “vaccine” is bad because of other stuff in it.
    We’ve lived on the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps millions of years. We have survived until now without vaccines. If we really needed vaccines then, by definition, we would be all extinct by now, just like the dinosaurs. There are 8 billion of us on the planet. Using common sense, do we really need vaccines? If we really needed vaccines, then there would not be 8 billion of us on the planet. Our immune systems are the vaccine: They are the shield of the Star Ship Enterprise against most attacks. Why would you lower your shield and allow someone you do not trust to protect your ship, or your body? Would you allow the Borg to protect your ship? Would you allow the Klingons to protect you? Nobody would, unless they are ignorant of the situation. You take responsibility for your own ship, or your body. Caveat emptor!


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