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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Concerning accounts of NZ Medical Council silencing dissenting voices must be investigated – FSU

Reports today released in The Centrist that the Medical Council punished dissenting medical practitioners who expressed concern regarding COVID-19 vaccination, and instructed doctors in a ‘Guidance Statement’ that anti-vaccination messages regarding the COVID-19 vaccine had “no place” in professional health practice, must be investigated, says Jonathan Ayling, Chief Executive of the Free Speech Union.

“Informed consent, which ensures patients are aware of the risks involved before they accept medical treatment, is only possible where medical practitioners are able to speak freely. This is a cornerstone of ethical medical practice, and is outlined by the NZ Medical Council themselves in their informed consent guidelines, as well as in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights.

“These concerning reports are not about the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine but rather whether medical professionals were able to exercise professional judgement and use their speech rights to perform their duties ethically.

“Allegedly, the NZ Medical Council put doctors who had concerns over the COVID-19 vaccine in an impossible position where they had to choose between these principles of informed consent or the contradictory ‘Guidance Statement’ on the vaccine.

“If the public is to trust medical professionals and be able to make informed choices, they need transparency of information, the ability to freely access a variety of perspectives, and a full understanding of the risks involved. Free speech is not just about the right to speak your mind. It’s also about the right to listen. And transparency leads to trust.

“What has been reported on today by The Centrist is consistent with cases where we have defended nurses who were silenced and punished for giving their perspectives on the COVID-19 vaccine.

“There are few more powerful ways to censor someone than by threatening their livelihood. The NZ Medical Council outrageously put doctors in an impossible situation where they were unable to provide patients with informed consent without facing disciplinary action.

“If these claims are true, it is a travesty that the NZ Medical Council sought to pick and choose the views their doctors could or couldn’t share with their patients, putting them in such ethically impossible situations. These reports must be investigated in order for trust in our public health system to remain strong.”

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  1. My issue with the Covid guidance statement was the lack of insight into what had occurred overseas. The New Zealand Medical Council had the benefit of known vaccine adverse reactions from overseas data and although Medsafe compiled progressive reporting (post commencement of vaccination) patients deserved to know the issues up front as part of the informed consent process.

    How many patients who had actual vaccine related adverse reactions were failed? Failed by way of our officials demanding silence from the medical fraternity in relation to probable adverse reactions. What were these patients told, how were they monitored and what treatments have been made available to them?
    Why would any Doctor purposely withhold critical information from a patient in the knowledge a medical treatment or vaccine has / may have caused harm?

    The trust aspects within the Doctor /Patient relationship is the pinnacle of the Health system’s success and survival, but our Medical Council appear to have failed to uphold their own published “Good Medical Practice “standard within their Covid guidance statement.

    Every Medical Professional, every patient and every injured person adversely impacted through aspects applicable to the Covid statement deserve acknowledgement , job reinstatement, compensation and an apology. Those responsible for the silencing should be held accountable. Only then can we collectively begin to rebuild and heal.

  2. The whole COVID thing stinks so much it is like sticking your head into an open sewer and taking in a deep breath.

    (1) Fauci announcing in early 2017 that President Trump WOULD face a pandemic in his presidency which indicates prior knowledge.
    (2) “Event 201” held in October 2019 in Wuhan, the purpose of which was how to manage “us” – the people – as regards lockdowns and coerced vaccination – psychological manipulation (PSYOPs).
    (3) Release of the man-made “gain of function” virus in Wuhan in late 2019: Coincidence because of (2) – I don’t think so! – planned release.
    (4) Video all over social media showing people in Wuhan dropping to the ground with the virus – psychological manipulation (PSYOPs) to create fear and effect control of the population.
    (5) You could not work unless you were vaccinated – violation of the Nuremberg protocol – lack of informed consent and coercion.
    (6) You could not go out and meet your friends in cinemas, bars, restaurants, theatres unless you were vaccinated – violation of the Nuremberg protocol – lack of informed consent and coercion.
    (7) You would be killing Granny or immune compromised persons unless you were vaccinated – psychological manipulation (PSYOPs).
    (8) Active suppression of the effectiveness of HCQ on the MSM and social media – active suppression of cures resulting in maiming or death – crimes against humanity.
    (9) Active suppression of the effectiveness of IVM on the MSM and social media – active suppression of cures resulting in maiming or death – crimes against humanity.

    If all this does not wake people up to what most governments actually are and what their intent is, I do not know what would. I am reminded of “17” – “You cannot tell the people; you must show them.” Well, I would say that the people have been shown and the time for justice is now, perhaps the time was yesterday, and justice is a bit late.

  3. The medical council completely failed. They should have been pushing back against medsafes approval and roll out of the jab to working age people when they could see the results from the UK and Israel.

    It was never safe or effective.

  4. It was about getting “nanotechnology” into as many as possible for the “cults” transhumanism drive. They knew and planned for “collateral damage”, (depopulation) but it is those still living with this technology inside them that they are interested in and working with via 5g frequency’s now.

  5. Silencing dissenters disseminating the truth
    While promoting home grown experts promulgating lies
    Lavished with copious amounts of ‘gravy’

  6. Dissenters running against the grain in defiance of the ‘official-Narrative’ are silenced ostracized and sent to Coventry
    While those promulgating lies are put on a pedestal and plied with copious lashings of ‘gravy’
    Thanks for the memories Siouxsie


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