The end of Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) motels in Rotorua is nearing another milestone as the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces it will not renew consents for six of the original 13 motels, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says.
The government is committed to stop using CEH by December 2025.
In 2022, Rotorua Lakes Council granted HUD consents for 13 motels to provide Contracted Emergency Housing. Consents were granted for two years – expiring in December 2024.
With a pipeline of social houses scheduled to be completed in Rotorua, HUD will soon apply for resource consent for seven CEH motels for 12 months ending in December 2025.
It is expected that by mid-2025, there will only be four motels needed.
“The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development will work closely with the Rotorua community including Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawa, Restore Rotorua and the Rotorua Lakes Council to ensure they are aware of the progress,” says Mr Potaka.
“This will provide certainty for families needing housing, until they can move into a long-term home, while reassuring the people of Rotorua that the use of these motels in the city is winding down quickly.”
Rotorua MP Todd McClay says the government is fulfilling its commitment to ending the use of Contracted Emergency Housing motels in Rotorua.
“We are determined to get whānau out of these motels, and into stable housing.”
Image credit: Sean Mungur
They have dumped so many out of towners here in the motels. 501s as well. This city can’t take much more. The tourism has taken a hit as the bad reputation gets around. Personally I am disgusted at what has happened. Now we have these hideous coronation st style container homes with no room to swing a cat, just concrete jungles springing up all over the place. No one wants to buy these houses because who wants to live next door to some of the FERALS who have made this town their home over the last few years. It doesn’t matter if it’s KO or a community housing provider, no normal person wants to live close to these future slums. The houses in the surrounding areas devalue.
No one wants to shop in the CBD. There’s beggars and mental people. The cops aren’t interested and yet they are 5 minutes away.The parking is rooted because the council is constantly clipping the ticket. The council needs a massive cull – too many middle managers and overpaid paper shufflers.
Bravo to our former mayor Steve Chadwick and her puppet councillors and the utterly USELESS ex CEO geoff Williams. You lot really F*cked this place up good and proper. Think of it as your legacy -a disaster.
Our current mayor isn’t much better, no real world experience in a ‘normal’ job and is related to half the city. All fluff, no real action and totally clueless as to how to form some sort of plan for the future that doesn’t involve fleecing the ratepayers even more money. That’s right, rate us right out of our homes.
The customer service of the council is non existent. Everyone passing the buck. Nothing more than a bunch of gatekeepers to make sure you never get to speak to someone who might help you. The council staff take up most of the inner city parking that is free.meh7 don’t they get on their bikes or take public transport?
This is my hometown and I have always loved it, but I have had a GUTSFUL and I am seriously considering leaving if things don’t pick up. Only thing keeping me here right now are the hot pools and my elderly parents.
This is part and participle of Wokeness, and WEF agendas.
The human dog kennels of 80 square meters that are attached row-on-row are part of the projected :15 Minute Cities as per the WEF Reset Plan.
Anonymous is correct with the above; they will raise your rates until you can no longer afford your stand-alone house, and insurance premiums on ‘home and contents’ will be totally unaffordable.
Then, they’ll come for your petrol vehicle…
IF the public ever wakes-up to the woke plan, THAT is when armed resistance should / will come into play!
The NZDF should / will join with the people rebelling against the woke policies at all levels, as they too and their families and relatives risk losing their homes, cars, and paid services as well.
Then, Operation Katipo will be cancelled indefinitely as no NZDF member will participate in the oppression or domestic civil war on their fellow Kiwis!