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Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Darleen Tana rejects Greens resignation request

Darlene Tana news

Former Green MP Darleen Tana has rejected a formal request from party co-leaders Chlöe Swarbrick and Marama Davidson to resign from Parliament.

The co-leaders had claimed that Tana’s refusal to step down distorts the proportionality of Parliament, as required by the party hopping legislation.

In a letter quoted by state media, Tana argued in response that the proportionality has not been compromised, pointing out that she continues to vote in alignment with the Green Party through Te Pāti Māori. Tana says she was fairly elected as a List MP and believes the legislation cannot justifiably be invoked to remove her from Parliament.

The Green Party is preparing for a Special General Meeting on September 1 to decide whether to use the party hopping law to expel Tana.

Tana argued that the legislation, if invoked, could suppress dissent within the party and questioned the Green Party’s assessment of the financial impact of her continued presence in Parliament. She also suggested that invoking the legislation against her would set a troubling precedent for the party’s future. She confirmed she intends to remain in Parliament as an independent MP.

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  1. “The Green Party is preparing for a Special General Meeting on September 1 to decide whether to use the party hopping law to expel Tana.”

    Isn’t this the same law the Greens stood against!

  2. OK so a chance to review the green movement and what it’s all about. Michael Moore produced a new documentary on climate change, the money exchanged and what the greens have caused. I must warn you, the end of the documentary is very distressing and not what you expect from supposedly good intentions.



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