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Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Dramatic video captures flames from Virgin Airways flight VA148 after suspected bird strike

Passengers on Virgin Australia’s dramatic trans-Tasman flight VA148, which appeared to catch fire after departing Queenstown Airport on Monday evening, have recounted the terrifying moments aboard the plane.

Speaking to state media one passenger described the horror, fearing the aircraft was about to “break in two.”

The Boeing 737, carrying dozens of passengers and six crew members, was bound for Melbourne. However, shortly after its 6pm departure, flames were seen coming from the back of the aircraft. The sight of flames prompted an urgent diversion to Invercargill.

Queenstown Airport officials believe the likely cause of the incident was a bird strike. Despite the alarming appearance, the New Zealand Air Line Pilots’ Association (NZALPA) clarified that while flames seemed to arise from the rear of one of the engines, neither the aircraft nor the engine was actually on fire.

Following the emergency landing, passengers were provided overnight accommodation by the airline and were transported back to Queenstown by bus on Tuesday afternoon.

This incident highlights the challenges and dangers faced by pilots and the importance of rigorous safety protocols in aviation. Virgin Australia and Queenstown Airport officials are expected to conduct a thorough investigation to prevent future occurrences of such incidents.

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