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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Drugs and cash seized as Police shut down alleged operation using rental properties

Crime news

A Police investigation has shut down a criminal syndicate’s operation, allegedly importing and distributing a concoction of illegal substances across parts of the upper North Island.

Six arrests have been made today at addresses across the Auckland and Waikato regions.

Police also arrested a man alleged to be a key player in the operation, after he got off a domestic flight at Auckland Airport.

Today’s execution is a result of Operation Banner, an investigation run by the Auckland Money Laundering Team since the beginning of the year.

Overall, Police have recovered nearly $1 million in cash, 4.5 kilograms of methamphetamine as well as LSD, cocaine, and ketamine.

Numerous electronic devices have been seized as part of the ongoing Police investigation.

The officer in charge of the team, Detective Senior Sergeant Andy Dunhill, says the operation was allegedly distributing across the Auckland, Waikato, and Bay of Plenty areas.

“We will allege this organised criminal group used a range of delivery methods to try and outwit law enforcement agencies in New Zealand and abroad,” he says.

Drugs and crime news

“This included allegedly using vacant rental properties or storage units to facilitate importations and deliveries.

“Our investigation is also examining where the profit of this misery is ending up.”

Today’s arrests are a result of months of painstaking and detailed investigation work.

“Police staff have been executing search warrants across Auckland and the Waikato today, with support from the Armed Offenders Squad in Hamilton,” Detective Senior Sergeant Dunhill says.

“We have been working closely with our partners at Customs, as well as international agencies throughout the course of this year over the investigation.”

All six men, aged between 26 and 41, are expected in the Auckland District Court this afternoon.

Most charged face serious drugs offences including importing controlled drugs, possession for supply of methamphetamine and conspiring to import a class B controlled drug.

Further arrests are likely.

Detective Senior Sergeant Dunhill says: “We have seized numerous devices for forensic investigation, and this will form part of the ongoing investigation into money laundering offences.

“The connection between money and drugs in the criminal environment remains of strong interest to Police, as these organised criminal groups continue to profit off the misery that they are selling into communities.

“Their operations are far from innocent given the far-reaching impacts drugs have on the wider community, from health through to further criminal offences being carried out.”

By the numbers

  • 12 search warrants
  • 6 arrests
  • $800,000 in cash
  • 4.5kg methamphetamine
  • 300 LSD tabs
  • 250g cocaine
  • 250g ketamine

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