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Friday, October 18, 2024

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‘Eliminate Him’: A look at the violent Liberal/Leftist rhetoric against Donald Trump

Before he was shot at a campaign rally, former US President Donald Trump faced a barrage of threats from Leftist ‘liberals’, including state broadcaster TVNZ.

While the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has been roundly condemned by his political opponents, liberal politicians and pundits have – implicitly and explicitly – called for his death before.

Trump narrowly avoided death at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, when an assassin’s bullet apparently clipped his ear as it whizzed past his head. The shooter – named by the FBI as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks – killed one spectator at the rally and wounded two others before he was shot dead by Secret Service agents.

US President Joe Biden decried the attempt on Trump’s life, declaring that “there’s no place for this kind of violence in America.” Ever since Trump won the 2016 election, however, he has faced a steady stream of threats from members of Biden’s party and their allies in the media.

Off with his head

Hollywood celebrities reacted with outrage to Trump’s shock defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. 80s pop icon Madonna spoke of wanting to “blow up the White House;” actor and activist Peter Fonda called for the president’s youngest son, Barron, to be “put in a cage with pedophiles;” and comedienne Kathy Griffin grabbed headlines when she posed for a photoshoot holding a mockup of Trump’s bloodied and severed head.

Addressing the audience at Britain’s Glastonbury Festival in 2018, Johnny Depp wondered “when was the last time an actor assassinated a president?,” adding “maybe it’s time.” This reference to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was echoed by Broadway star Carole Cook several months later, when she asked a photographer “where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?”

TVNZ presenters shoot Donald Trump doll

Trump was unable to escape the violent rhetoric even in New Zealand, with state broadcaster TVNZ presenters shooting a Trump doll on live breakfast television.

Take him out

Speaking to MSNBC after Trump formally announced his presidential campaign last year, Representative Dan Goldman declared that his fellow New Yorker cannot be allowed to “see public office again.”

“He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated,” Goldman proclaimed.

While Goldman later apologized for his choice of words, he is not the only Democrat lawmaker to apparently threaten Trump’s life. Michigan State Representative Cynthia Johnson was stripped of her committee assignments in 2020 when she warned Trump and his “trumpers” to “walk lightly,” or else her “soldiers” would “make them pay.”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used similar rhetoric last week when she declared that the upcoming presidential election “is not a normal election,” and that Trump “must be stopped. He cannot be president.”

Two weeks before the shooting, BBC reporter David Aaronovitch wrote on X that if he were President “Biden, I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.” On Sunday morning, Aaronovitch said that he had deleted the tweet, claiming that his words were “clearly satirical.”

A threat to democracy

Biden’s response to Saturday’s shooting was one of unequivocal condemnation. The US president, who will face off against Trump in this November’s election, said that he was “praying for” his political opponent, and that “we must unite as one nation to condemn” political violence.

In a post on social media less than a month earlier, however, Biden’s team described Trump as “a genuine threat to this nation.”

“He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for,” they posted on the president’s social media accounts.

While Biden has never explicitly wished physical harm on his opponent, at least one would-be assassin has used similar words to justify his plans to kill Trump. 77-year-old Thomas Welnicki was arrested for phoning US Capitol Police in 2020 threatening to “take down” then-President Trump. His lawyer later told prosecutors in New York that Welnicki was distraught at “the threats to our democracy posed by former President Trump.”

Stripped of protection

Had Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson got his way, Trump would have had no Secret Service protection at Saturday’s rally. Earlier this year, Thompson proposed legislation that would strip this protection from former presidents convicted of felonies, as Trump was in May. The act was explicitly tailored to target Trump, Thompson’s office said, explaining that the former president’s criminal charges “have created a new exigency that Congress must address.”

Immediately following Saturday’s shooting, one of Thompson’s staffers wrote on Facebook that the shooter should “get some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time.” She deleted the post – which Mississippi Republicans called “despicable” – shortly afterwards.

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  1. This can be laid at the feet of the corrupt MSM and the unhinged Democrats.. Even motor mouth Hosking, who pretends to be independent, sides with these delusional lunatics.

  2. Let’s see IF Law Enforcement in the U.S. will now begin arresting those who have threatened Trump past & present while he was both in and illegally removed out of office via vote fraud…!
    Interesting the hypocrisy and double-standards, of never arresting those who threaten a U.S. President, but will lock-up J-6 Targeted Individuals under the illegal and UN-Constitutional *NDAA (*indefinite detention without trial…) and ‘Patriot Act’ for protesting against the confirmed vote fraus in 2020.
    The Zionists are primarily the core members of the Deep State, as are the J3w$ who have deceptively crept into the control of the U.S. Congress, and the Biden Cabinet vand who are Mossad Operatives.
    Trump gave Israel everything it wanted under the suggestions and (threats???) insinuations of his J3wi$h Mossad operative son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Kushner has his office next to Trump’s Oval Office.
    Post-Plandemic, Kushner is a billionaire now, along with a handful of his J3wi$h mates.
    Trump’s problem is that he does not listen to his advisors, and many of them demanded that Kushner be removed from the White House, as Kushner was purportedly running the affairs of the White House, and was always going to Israel and other surrounding nations on undefined ‘trips’ that were not really ‘official’, and never discussed or talked about!
    We are seeing this today with the J3w Antony Blinken. Why is this J3w visiting Arab Nations? To garner support for his Presidential run by making promises to the Arab nations that we know will never happen?
    BTW…look for Blinken to suddenly be nominated to run as the Democrat ‘Presidential hopeful’, similar to another former Secretary of State, Hellary Klinton, who’s father was J3wi$h!
    Keir Starmer’s wife is J3wi$h, and this is why Israel will now control all of the U.K.
    The assassination attempt yesterday on Trump also proved that the U.S. Secret Service is not so much incompetent, but a part of the Deep State as are most ‘Alphabet Agencies’ embedded in the various levels of U.S. Government, being Federal, State, County & Local.
    This was a demonstration of the selective disregard of the threat that a citizen pointed out to law enforcement in spotting the assassin on the roof, but was deliberately ignored.
    Presidents who go up against the Zionist Luciferian-based Masonic Deep State are always assassinated, or attempts made on their lives.
    All but three U.S. Presidents have been Freemasons.
    Irrespective of the U.S. Presidency (corporation..) being the highest office in the land, one is still subject to abiding to the continuation of Israeli / J3wi$h control of America in all aspects of that society. If a President strays from that, they are targeted for assassination. Reagan, Ford, JFK, RFK, JFK Jr. and now Trump found this out.
    And ‘having a voice by voting’ proved nothing in the last (s)election, as we watched the votes getting swapped on live TV here in New Zealand.
    Zionist J3w$ run the world via deception, blackmail, interference, bribery, usury and lawfare against those who speak out about this and blow their cover.
    Noteworthy is that D.C Federal Buildings had fences installed prior to the Trump assassination attempt, and the armouries of the National Guard units have been emptied of their weapons. One can only assume that this would preclude a military coup to remove the Deep State out of U.S. affairs once and for all.
    Communists from China being blended-in with Hispanic Socialists and Middle Eastern Terrorists are now inside the U.S., and when another assassination attempt is made on Trump, the Patriots will now rise up and Civil War ll will begin in earnest, as per the predictive programming contained in the recently-released piss-poor movie ‘Civil War’.
    Russian President Putin threw the Zionist J3w$ and their Banksters OUT of Russia, and is protecting Russians in the Donbass region after the J3w$ in the Ukraine shelled, bombed and assassinated the ethnic Russians living there.
    Putin recognises the Mossad Ops being waged against Russia post the 1991 collapse of the J3wi$h-led and inspired Bolsheviks and their apparatchiks which cost the lives of 66 million Russian Orthodox Christians via the Red Terror, Holodomor, The Purge, murderous GULAG slavery and 20 million Russian War Dead from World War Two.
    Noteworthy is that Josef Stalin’s real J3wi$h name was- Iosif Vissarionovich Dzuugashvili, a Georgian J3w,
    Lenin’s real J3wi$h name was- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov,
    Trotsky’s real J3wi$h name was – Lev Davidovich Bronstein,
    Kruschev’s real J3wi$h name was- Solomon Perlmutter.
    ALL of these came from outside of Russia proper, overthrew the Russian Czarist Government, murdered the Russian Royal Family, committed Genocide against the Kulaks, resisters and those who criticised the Communist Bolshevik Regime, and instituted Communist J3w$ in all of the higher ‘offices’ of their oppressive regime for over 75 years!
    Putin now needs to remove the J3w$ who are opposing him via deflection, false promises and deceptive dialogue causing the War in Ukraine to drag on, with the West now becoming directly involved outside of the proxy past that has been attacking Russia.
    Putin is insuring that another Zionist Bolshevik Communist movement NEVER happens again in Russia!
    That region, along with the Crimean, voted to rejoin Russia and did so under internationally-monitored (s)elections.
    Putin and Russia are NOT the ‘world’s enemy’…rather, Zionist Israel and it’s international minions thru their corruption of Western Governments, Banking and Trade are!

  3. The assassins are always leftist, every time. Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, Trump.

    Same as all those school shooters.

    Same as the protestors who riot and burn down cities. Same as those three pedo’s who tried to kill Kyle Rittenhouse that night.

    Same as the people here in NZ who’ll show up to assault Posey Parker for speaking words, or to beat up a teen with a steel pipe on a bus ride.

    The left are every bit the violent unhinged lunatics they always accuse the right of being. We shouldn’t entertain their moral high-ground BS any longer.

    Sick and dangerous ideologies, peddled by ugly narcissistic weirdos. Reject them at every turn.

    • You are correct. The left are a bunch of deluded narcissistic psychopathic nut jobs. The only other people who vote left are welfare bludgers, and public servants. Note: none of these people have an actual job that is productive or contributes to society. They are a bunch of parasites living off the hard tangible productive work of everyone else.

    • BTW- The Trump shooter was J3wi$h, but that is NOT being reported in the J3wi$h / Zionist-owned MSM.
      There in NOTHING that the J3w$ won’t do to stop those who oppose their violating the national sovereignty on the Nations.

  4. This is typical behavior for the looney left as they do not believe in right or wrong they only believe in the agenda which is why globalist love the looney left, useful idiots one and all, no ability to think critically or for themselves. Will swallow the party line hook line and sinker.

  5. Alex Soros (Son of George Soros) made a social media post a while ago talking about crime and inflation in the US. However, what got people’s attention was the attached photo showing a bullet hole through a glass sheet and someone holding $47 US dollars in their hand: It looked like an order to kill “47”; i.e. President Trump.

    Resident Biden at the end of June made a social media post saying that it was time to put a bullseye on Trump.

    Bennie Thomson tried to get the US SS protection removed from President Trump by creating legislation tailor made to do this. Bennie Thomson was also head of the corrupt and vindictive J6 committee.

    Jill Biden had an event at the same time as President Trump’s rally and, therefore, Jill Biden sucked up most the US SS and President Trump only got left-overs.

    Police and US SS were notified minutes before that there was someone on the roof with a rifle and did nothing.


  6. at least we know who ALL these disgusting freaks are – never forget a face.
    Lets go Donald, this world needs saving!


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