The government is tightening welfare regulations by introducing new sanctions for benefit recipients, including mandatory five-hour weekly training courses.
Job seekers must complete at least three job-search activities per week for a month and report their progress to the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston emphasised the need for accountability, stating that beneficiaries capable of working must take steps to re-enter the workforce, with consequences for non-compliance.
These measures are part of the government’s beneficiary traffic light system, which assigns recipients a green, orange, or red status based on their adherence to work or social obligations.
Those reaching red will face sanctions and must provide evidence of compliance to regain full benefits.
This is a great start. The details submitted need to be verified to establish credibility.
If no effort made on job contact that reference is void. Ie. looking for employment when there is none. No phoneing ahead to verify no jobs available. Only credible/verifiable jobs that are available or will be shortly
NZ is a classic example of horrible economic mismanagement that grew endemic in the 1980’s, when hyper-capitalism became the new panacea for all our economic woes…..the fact we have politicians cheering when New Zealanders move to Australia and take out Australian citizenship, tells you everything you need to know and then some.
Yes, lets have people waste time applying for jobs in a market where there is hardly any work…all to mask the fact the reason this situation exists, is chronic endemic, economic mismanagement, by successive governments, populated by hopeless mainstream party’s…if any should be looking for a new job…its them…….
3 apps per week is kinda standard in the West.
Just be sure you’re applying for a job that pays more than your unemployment.
The impoverished, broken and vulnerable are living the high life… . Quick SMASH THEM. Dont look at those claiming the greatest benefits through corporate fraud and tax avoidance.
Exactly! Can’t have the unenlightened serfs / slaves / peons /paupers having any degree of a halfway decent life…
Imagine attending a ‘Training Class’…what kind of ‘training’ is on offer? Political correctness? 10 steps to socialism? BDSM classes where the disenfranchised / unemployed become sex slaves to the wenches in the current cabinet? (after all, most political party meetings / training ends-up with an attendee or two being sexually molested, abused or assaulted…)
Probably nothing will be achieved with the inconvenience of TRYING to get to a ‘Training Session’ when one is too broke to afford transportation to & fro.
Imagine wasting one’s time attending ‘training’ when there are no livable wage jobs available.
MSM will distract from this with Waitangi Day celebrations and their hatreds for Donald Trump!
NZ has transitioned from ‘Hard Tyranny’ under Jabby & Chippy to ‘Soft Tyranny’ where one needs sunglasses due to the reflection of the sun off of the bald head…
Mah Hah Bone…and a quick So Mote It Be…